Chapter 24

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Zac's POV

I woke up and remembered that we have school today.

I got up and changed before I went to the fridge and got a box of Prawns out and just switched on the TV.

After 5 minutes, my door opened and Alex came in.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, Zac." Alex said, came over and sat down next to me. Then she kissed me before she stole a Prawn.

"Hey, hungry much." I said.

"Well, got Mum, and Serena. But also 2 more who eats it like nothing, plus this way I get to spend more time with you, now you just going to sit there or put those in your bag and we go for a swim and back before we need to go to school." Alex said.

"I'm in." I said putting them in my bag and we left and jumped into the dock after checking no one was around and sped off to our normal spot which is still the best place we been and sped off back to mine and dried off before we grabbed our bags and the rest of the Prawns and headed towards School eating the Prawns along the way.

Once we got there we got everything we needed from our lockers and went to class. Which went well for a bit then we saw Mimmi being here also.

We headed over to her after class finished.

"Mimmi what are you doing here?" I said.

"I wanted to see what land school was like." Mimmi said.

"Well, you have but you need to go, Mimmi, if they find out you don't belong here they may find out." Alex said.

"Oh, wait you 2 need to see this." Mimmi said.

"What?" I said.

"This." Mimmi said pulling out a USB stick.

"What's on it?" Alex said.

"Erik took pictures of that Chamber, I took this before he noticed." Mimmi said.

I took it. "Meet me around mine after this, we go through it and see what we can figure out." I said.

"Okay." Mimmi said.

Then we headed to go to our next class which was Science and Alex and I thought that Mimmi left but showed up in Science with Erik.

The class was a Nightmare. We got lucky and we tried again to get Mimmi to go before it was too Late.

But it already was, Ms. Trumble already found out and made sure Mimmi was there when we were.

Alex and I got a seat close to each other.

"We need to tell Mum." Alex said.

"I know, but how?" I said.

"We find a way just wait for it." Alex said.

After about 5 minutes, Ms. Trumble was trying to rat Mimmi's cage. Before she asked someone to get the principal.

"I'll go." I said after whispering to Alex to keep an eye on Mimmi.

Then I head straight for Rita's office. Once I got there I knock on the door.

"Come in." Rita said.

"Sorry, Mrs. Santos but this is urgent." I said.

Rita can tell it was bad.

"Of course, excuse me." Rita said to her guest I think and we went outside and Rita closed the door.

"Zac, what is it?" Rita said.

"It's Mimmi, she's here and Ms. Trumble is trying hard to break her down. She knows that Mimmi is your niece, Alex is keeping an eye on her when Ms. Trumble asked David to get you but." I said.

"I got it just in time, come on." Rita said.

Then we headed back to the class.

"Oh, Principal Santos, I'm Sorry to interrupt your full schedule, but I have some concerns about your Niece, I understand she's being homeschooled." Ms. Trumble said.

"While she is visiting, yes." Rita said as I sat back down next to Alex.

"Well I have to say I'm shocked at her lack of basic scientific knowledge." Ms. Trumble said. "However my greater concern is that your decision to home school her while your Daughter attends here."

"What my Mother does, Ms. Trumble isn't your concern." Alex said.

"Maybe so but still." Ms. Trumble said.

"But nothing Ms. Trumble your not Mimmi's or Alex's parent or guardian, which means you got no say on how they are schooled, with respect of course." I said.

"Thank you Zac, how I educate my Niece and Daughter is my business, Ms. Trumble neither is a matter of the school board or for you." Rita said.

"Well we'll see about that." Ms. Trumble said.

"Ms. Trumble I hope that is not a threat, since you know my policy about threats in this school." Rita said.

"Of course not, Principal Santos." Ms. Trumble said then knock a beaker of water over Mimmi and Rita which caused them to go out fast after Rita said. "Good then Good day, Mimmi come." They got out fast and completely out of site.

After class Alex and I went looking for her and Mimmi, but they weren't in Rita's office.

"OW!" Mimmi's voice said.

"Mimmi, is that you?" I said.

"Yes, me and Rita." Mimmi said.

"Alright." I said.

"OW! Alex get off my tail." Rita said.

"Sorry Mum, Zac we need to get them out of here." Alex said.

"But where?" I said.

"Over there." Alex said pointing to a shed.

"Nice, Rita is let's get you there then Mimmi." I said.

"No Zac, you and Alex get Mimmi there first then me." Rita said.

No one was around as we moved Mimmi and Rita we just got in when Ms. Trumble came 'round.

"Zac, Alex have you seen Ms. Santos?" Ms. Trumble said.

"No, not since she left the classroom." I said.

"Fine, I'll find her later then." Ms. Trumble said and then she leaves.

Then Mimmi and Rita came back completely dry.

"You 2 okay?" I said.

"Just fine, Zac." Rita said.

"Fine." Mimmi said.

"Let's get out of here, before she comes back." Alex said.

We got out and headed back to mine while Rita went to see the others at the Grotto.

"Okay here we we go." I said putting in the flash drive and opened up the files.

"See." Mimmi said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Let's work out what they are first." Alex said.

"Okay let's go." I said.

We ended up spending the whole hour trying to work out the symbols and took a break and headed towards Alex's house and ended up having some of that Sea Sponge Cordial.

Which tasted really good.

Then Evie came in and gave Mimmi her old Laptop which of course made her happy and we ended up getting a laugh.

Then after a bit I had to go home and ended up getting my homework finished and eat some food before getting changed and headed to bed.

At least 1 thing was going to be okay now, and Mimmi and Rita were safe. But 1 thing went through my mind as I was about to fall asleep.

What the Hell is next?

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