Chapter 16

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Zac's POV

I woke up to see Alex still asleep. I look over for my phone and pick it up. It turns on and I see it's 6:30 in the morning. I was actually thinking about waking Alex up and go for a swim before we had to head to school. I felt her hand on my cheek, so I looked down to see her smiling at me. Was she thinking what I'm thinking?

"Hey, you." Alex said.

"Hey." I said.

"Feel like going for a swim before we have to go to school?" She asked.

"How did you know I was going to ask that?" I said.

"Because that's what me and you do everytime together. Like we can't resist." Alex said.

"Yeah, come on let's get ready and go." I said.

We got up and got changed, before we head for the kitchen and grab some prawns and ate them before we head towards the Grotto, down the stairs into the Moon Pool. There we jumped into the water and let our tails form, we sped off towards Mako, headed straight for our favorite spots on the reef out there. It was beautiful, then we both looked at each other and we started to head for the Moon Pool on Mako.

Once we got there, I got hit by something. I don't know what.

"NO! Stop it now, or I will." Alex said.

Whatever it was stopped.

"Why would you defend him?" Some other mermaid asked.

"Because I Love him, and no one messes with me because they will have to go through me too." Alex said.

"But he is a Merman." She said.

"Yeah, but is he like those other ones? No, because we grew up together. Best friends all this time til he changed." Alex said.

"So you are the one who is born on land?" She asked. Is she slow or something?

"Yeah, and I trust him no matter what." Alex said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I known him my whole Life and he wouldn't do something like what the Hell your thinking of." Alex said before coming next to me.

"Whatever." She said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"That's Aquata Zac. My sister." Serena said.

"You okay?" Lyla asked.

"Yeah, I've handled worse." I said.

"Don't remind me." Alex said knowing what I was talking about.

"Okay so who took the trident?" Aquata asked.

"No idea yet, still trying to figure that out." I said.

"Great, do you also know what would happen if that got into the Moon Pool on a Full Moon?" Aquata said.

"Yes, I do. It would destroy it for good." I said.

"Who told you?" Aquata said.

"I did." Alex said. "And my Mum." She added.

"Well we have to go remember?" I said to Alex.

"Yeah." Alex said.

We started to head back to Alex's got our things for school and headed out towards the school.

We just got back from school boring like Hell. We just end up doing our homework then I went back to mine after grabbing my things and kissing Alex. Mum was happy to see me the same way as always. I just ended up going straight to bed as soon as I got my things put where they needed to be and went to school.


It's been 2 weeks now and we still have no idea about who took the trident. But now it was the weekend of the Full Moon. We got 3 days to find out who took it and stop them. Me and Alex was Nervous, we didn't know who it was that took it. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think it's Cam because he has been avoiding me and Alex now. Even Evie has been acting weird. We did have a plan though me and Alex would be at the land entrance while the rest was at the Moon Pool. Aquata wasn't going to be there because she went back 2 days after we met her.

This is starting to annoy me because if Cam was the one to take it I would Hate him.

I was at my place when a knock hit on my door. I went and opened it to see Evie standing there.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, mind if we talk about something?" She asked.

"Yeah, come on." I said letting her in and closing the door after. We was sitting on the couch and she looked at me.

"Zac, I know what happened on Mako Island. About your change. Cam has already told me everything. About you even Alex." She said

Shit. "What are you going to do then?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just happy I finally know what was going on with you. But why didn't you talk to me about it anyway?" She asked.

"How could I? Even if things wasn't like this would you be talking to me right now." I said.

"But I am Zac. Just is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah everything is fine." I said.

"Okay." She said before heading for the door. "I wouldn't say anything Zac. Not about you or Alex. Even if I avoided her. I don't want to see anything bad happen to you both."

"Thanks." I said then Evie left. I pulled my Phone out and texted Alex about what happened and she responded saying that at least we wouldn't have to worry about that. I smiled and put my phone down before it went off again. Another text from Alex saying I could stay at hers this weekend again saying to his Mum and Dad it was a monthly thing now which they agreed. I send back telling her I would see her tomorrow at hers then I drifted off to sleep.


The next morning came and I got up changed and packed my things for the weekend to stay at Alex's and started to walk to hers and I see Cam acting weird like he was up to something. Then I saw a towel wrapped around something and it looked exactly like the Trident. I ran the rest of the way to Alex's and told her, Rita, and the girls and we made a plan to stop him. It was the same plan but we do what we have to do to stop him.

Me and Alex headed for her her room and we got everything ready for me and her.

"Zac, you okay?" Alex asked.

"No, I can't believe Cam would do this, we both knew him since we were kids." I said.

"I know, but we can't let him get the Trident into the Moon Pool."  Alex said.

"I know. If it comes to that I use my power and destroy the Trident off the Moon Pool's walls if I have too." I said.

"You be careful the Fool Moon is tomorrow." Alex said. "Zac, I Love you."

"I Love you too, Alex." I said before kissing her and then we changed into our PJ's for bed and hopped on the bed and Alex cuddled up to me and we ended up drifting off to sleep and think what could happen tomorrow. I will not stop even if I had to die to save her. 

Autumnkirby02  here's the next chapter. Thank you for messaging me to update🖤 I finally got my phone updated and now all I have to do is type in the next couple chapters and hopefully soon I can finish this book🖤 thanks for reading my book everyone. Thanks for reaching out to me Autumnkirby02

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