Chapter 30

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Zac's POV

I woke up, only to see Mimmi on my shoulder on my right side and Alex was on my other shoulder. Mimmi had a smile on her face. Even before she fell asleep last night. Guess she is really happy having me back. Like she's my Sister I never saw that coming. But I can feel the Connection a lot easier now, then when she first arrived. But what I want to know was why our Mom left us here, near each other. True, I'm wondering why she never left us both together. At least we are together now. I'm thinking about asking Mimmi to stay with me at my place. But how should I tell my adopted parents about Mimmi. Guess I will have to find out later.

As for Alex, at least I know that she will always be with me, I Love her so much, Man what the Hell will be next.

Which not long after thinking that I felt Alex start stirring and turned gently over towards her, as she was opening her eyes.

"Hey, sleep okay?" I said.

"Yeah, Mimmi still asleep?" Alex said.

"Yeah, sleeping sound on my other shoulder." I said.

"Want to wake her up and go for a swim before school." Alex said.

But just after she said that Mimmi started to stir and opened her eyes.

"Hey Zac." Mimmi said.

"Hey, your finally the last one awake." I said.

"He's right about that, Mimmi." Alex said.

"Haha, so what are we doing?" Mimmi said.

"Well, we were thinking about going for a swim before Alex and I got to head to school." I said.

"I'm in." Mimmi said.

"Well let's go." Alex said getting up and grabbing a change of clothes, as did Mimmi and I, and then we headed out of Alex's room and grabbed a couple of Prawns from the fridge and ate them as they headed for the Moon Pool in the Grotto. As we jumped in and waited for our Tails to form and swam out of that entrance and sped off towards Mako where we went around Mako twice before we headed for the Moon Pool to rest for 10 minutes. Halfway through 5 minutes before we were going to head back, Mimmi left to join the others. Once those 5 minutes was up, we headed to Alex's place to pick up our bags for school before heading out the door, after we pick a box of Prawns which we ate on the way to school.


Once we reached school we were finished with our box of Prawns and put them into the bin and walked into school towards our lockers to get things which we need for the class we had for the day. But then the Coach of the swim team called me over.

"Now we had a great team and then Shane selfishly goes and breaks his leg on a Skateboard. So I'm having trials for a spot on the team at the squad tomorrow. What do you say, Zac?" Coach said.

"Sorry Coach, I just don't swim like I used to." I said.

"Come on, Zac." Coach said. "Now, I remember when you could outswim anyone in the district."

"Those days are gone." I said.

"Evie, Alexandra, tell Zac we need him on the team." Coach said as Evie and Cam came over.

"It's his call." Evie said then Alex said the same thing too.

"Sorry Coach, just going through some things." I said. "I can't help you."

"What about me?" Cam said.

"Oh, standard's pretty high, Cam." Coach said.

"I'm a Life guard." Cam said. "I swim all the time."

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