Chapter 17

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Zac's POV

It's the day of the Full Moon. We have to stop Cam who has had the Trident all this time. I can't believe Cam would do this. But I know that I have to stop him or the others including Alex could die.

Alex is still sleeping. I get out nice and easy not to wake her and get changed. As soon as I'm done, I head for the grotto to swim. Just when I was about to go into the Moon Pool there I hear.

"Zac, where you going?" Rita said.

"I forgot something at home." I said.

"Okay, I will let Alex know when she wakes up." Rita said.

"Thanks Rita tell her I'll be back soon." I said.

"Will do Zac." Rita says.

I turned and went to the Moon Pool and jumped in and went for a swim around Mako. While I was on a swim I saw something on the ground. I swam down and look. No way. It's another Moon ring completely fine. It's clear none of that stuff which was on the last one I found. Full Moon is tonight. I could use this on Cam if I have to. I pick it up and head for my place which took me only a couple of minutes to get there.

I got to the shore next to mine and and took a look around and then I pulled myself out and used my powers to dry my tail. It's kind of weird I only had this for a couple of months and I'm used to using it. As soon as the tail vanishes and my legs are back. I get up and head to my place.

As soon as I was in my place I picked up my PS 5 and put it into a bag I have for it in case I take it to Alex's house and put some games and another controller in there in case Alex wanted to play with. As soon as I finish packing it I head out my door and lock it before I start to head back to Alex's place.

The Moon Ring is safe and I got it right here in my pocket. I made to keep this one a secret for now so if something happens I have any Ace up my sleeves.


I'm just at Alex's door when she opens it up.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, I was just coming to yours to help you." Alex said.

"Just was getting this." I said showing her the PS 5.

"How come it took so long?" She asked.

"I went for a quick swim 'round Mako before hitting my place to get it. You don't mind do you?" I said.

"No. Of course not. I went for one too. Just got back. I started to miss you so I was coming to help." Alex said.

"I miss you all the time not being next to you." I said.

Alex just smiled before planting her lips on mine.

"Come on let's get this to my room." Alex said after breaking the kiss putting her forehead on mine.

"Yeah let's go." I said.

We took the PS 5 straight to Alex's room and played it. We went for a co-op shooting game. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare remastered. Played the campaign.

Half way through we stopped and went to the kitchen to get some food for lunch and went back and played.


It was almost time so we saved where we were and head down to the grotto.

When we got down there, we saw Lyla, Serena, and Nixie getting the Moon Rings.

"What are you 3 doing?" Rita said.

"We are going to need all the power we can get to stop Cam." Nixie said.

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