Chapter 14

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Zac's pov

It was the day after the Full Moon. I finally found my anchor. Thanks to Alex. I woke up to see Alex still asleep. She looked really peaceful. Plus Alex has me for her anchor and she's my anchor. Alex was still snuggled up to me. I didn't mind, I got my phone out and saw it was 10 in the morning. I decided to wake Alex up. I shake her a little bit, which cause her to stir and open her eyes a little bit.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey Zac." Alex said before she pulled me down. Before I knew it we were kissing for a minute or two.

We pulled away and Alex snuggled against me. "Want to get something to eat?" I ask her.

"Yeah, but I just want to lay here. Right next to you." Alex said.

"Yeah, me too. I love you." I said.

"I Love you to, Zac." Alex said.

30 minutes later.

We got up dressed and head to the kitchen for some breakfast. Found some prawns in the fridge which we ate watching some TV. Then once we finished our breakfast, we got up and headed for the grotto and headed into the grotto and down the stairs to find no one there yet so we just sat down and cuddled together and waited.

We waited for about 15 mins before Rita, Lyla, Serena, and Nixie came in and we started to work on a way to destroy the trident, we thought about using Moon rings before Rita said it wouldn't work since it was a weapon for using against mermaids.

"Rita, can we brake it?" I asked.

"I didn't see why not." Rita said.

"Okay before the next full Moon we go in take the trident and destroy it." I said.

"What if it doesn't work?" Nixie asked.

"We put it back again til we find a way." I said.

We decided to leave it at that before we decided to go for a swim. So we went and jumped into Rita's Moon Pool and swam to Mako. Nixie, Lyla, and Serena went to the Moon Pool and me and Alex went for a swim around Mako before we go there. We ended up heading to the North side of the island and swam round there see what we could do. Then we headed up heading for our favorite part of Mako and we swam round there enjoying the sights and we headed up to the beach where no-one goes. But we made so before we pulled ourselves out of the water and onto the beach. We didn't dry off our tails just lifted them the way they are.

We pulled out enough before we pulled up close to each other til our tails touched each other.

"This is nice." Alex said.

"Yeah it is, but there is something beautiful here." I say.

"Is there?" She asks looking out to the ocean.

"Yeah and I'm looking right at it." I say looking at her.

Then she turns to see me looking at her before she said. "Yeah, well there is someone handsome looking straight at me right now."

I knew she was talking about me and I put my arms round her before I pulled her in kissing her for a min before we pull ourselves back in the water and head for the Moon Pool.

We get to the Moon Pool to see the 3 of them there, as soon as we surface.

"We should check that the trident is still there." I said.

"Yeah good idea." Alex said.

"Then let's go then." Lyla said.

We all came out of the Moon Pool and headed for a nice spot to pull ourselves out of the water and dry off our tails. As soon as we got our legs back we headed towards the land entrance. The walk was quiet, Lyla,  Serena, and Nixie was walking behind me and Alex as we headed towards the land entrance with my arm round her and hers round me. We get to the land entrance and me, Alex, Lyla, and Nixie was going in since Serena has to stay outside and keep the door open with her Moon ring.  Serena opened the door and we went on in and headed towards a Chamber and It already opened the portal when it did.

"Lyla, you and Nixie stay here, me and Alex will go and before you start we don't know how much power Serena Moon Ring has so." I said.

"Okay, go." Nixie said.

"Be careful." Lyla said.

We nod before we jump into the portal. We went about 5 meters in and round for the trident. But we couldn't see it. We turned back and head straight for the portal. As soon as we come through we roll to break our fall.

"Outside. Now!" I say as all of us run out of the chambers to the entrance and run out.

As soon as we get out Serena let's the door close up.

"What is it?" They said.

"The trident. It's gone." Me and Alex said at the same time.

"What?!" They shouted.

"You, you did this." Nixie said.

"WHAT?! How the Hell could I do this? I was at Alex's house all night." I said.

"Yeah, like I believe that." Nixie said.

"It's true. Zac was with me all night." Alex said.

"Then who took it?" Serena asked.

"No idea, lets get back and tell Rita now!" I said.

"Then lets go!" Alex said.

We all started running for the beach and once we got there we all jumped into the water and letting our tails form before we sped off towards Rita's Moon Pool entrance. As soon as we get there we slow down and swim through the cave/sea entrance and surface at the edges of the pool as we pull ourselves out of the water and dried our tails. Once they were dry Alex went to get Rita, while me and Lyla sat one side and Nixie and Serena sat on the other side. We waited about 2 mins before Alex and Rita came through, we told her everything and she said to keep an eye out for anything to do with the Trident. It was late so Lyla, Nixie, and Serena went home and Me and Alex went to get ready for bed. I put on a dark blue top and a red pair of shorts, Alex put on a nice purple tank top and blue pair of bottoms. We got into bed and cuddled into each other.

"Hey you okay?" Alex asked.

"Yeah just wished Nixie would stop putting everything on me. But at least I got you on my side." I said.

"Zac, I will always be on your side. Plus I been friends with you since we met. Plus I Love you and I know you would never do that." Alex said before kissing me on the lips.

"Love you to Alex." I said before kissing her back.

"Hey wait." I said.

"Yeah?" Alex said.

"What would happen if the Trident was taking into the Moon Pool on a Full Moon?" I asked.

"Zac, it... It would destroy the Moon Pool forever." Alex said.

"Then me and you start looking for the Trident tomorrow or anything you know." I said.

"Yeah, I Love you Zac." Alex said.

"I Love you too Alex." I said before we kissed and cuddled back into each other and fell asleep knowing no matter what happened we do it together.

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