Chapter 10

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Alex's pov.

It was the next day. I woke up in Zac's bed, since those 3 nearly got him killed last night and couldn't sleep on the couch. I ended up just laying there watching him sleep, he looked really peaceful and cute too. I just watched him all the way til he opened his eyes and saw me looking at him.

"Morning Zac." I say.

"Morning Alex, how come your in the bed thought you were sleeping on the couch." He says.

"I couldn't sleep, was too worried about you and thinking what could've happened." I say looking down.

"Hey, I'm still here Alex okay? I'm not going anywhere, I Love you Alex." He says.

"I Love you too Zac." I say looking into his eyes before we lean in close to each other just enough for a long kiss. Which we really needed.

"Want to get dressed, get some Prawns, and go for a swim?" He asks.

"Yeah, let's do it." I say already getting up going into Zac's bathroom to get changed into a really nice pair of shorts and one of my favorite tshirts.

I come out to find Zac already dressed and a box of Prawns on the coffee table, I walk over and sit next to him. I started to eat some of the Prawns when Zac said. "We should tell your Mum about last night and why I feel like I'm connected to the Trident."

"Yeah, we should, what about those 3 who almost..." I stop talking seeing his face turn red with how angry he felt last night. "Sorry, didn't want to remind you Zac."

"Alex, it's okay, it wasn't your fault, okay, come on lets finish these and go see your Mum." He says.

We finished eating so we went for a swim, so we went the same part of the reef as we did the last time but it was more beautiful this time with Zac being my boyfriend now. We ended up going back to Zac's place to pick up my bag and headed to my place to tell Mum what happened.

It took us 10 to 20 mins to get there. We headed down to the door, where I brought my key to unlock the door. We walked in and shut the door and started heading down to my room to leave my bag in there then turned and headed for the living room where Mum was sitting there doing whatever she had to do.

"Hey Mum." I say.

"Hey Rita." Zac says.

"Hey Alex, Zac." Mum says.

"Everything alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, but how was the full Moon last night?" Mum says.

I got annoyed which Mum noticed as soon as she saw it. I turn and look at Zac.

"Sorry, I need the bathroom." Zac says.

"Go use mine Zac." I say.

"Okay." He said turning around and headed for my room suite. (Where the bathroom is)

As soon as he was gone I turned around to Mum. "Those 3 nearly got Zac killed or hurt last night." I growled out still in Anger.

"What happened?" Mum asks.

"Zac and I just settled down for the night when those 3 showed up saying that they wanted to help, which surprised me but I was so worried about Zac since the last one almost went well, next thing I know Nixie pulled one of the covers off the window and you know what happened next, the Moon light hit Zac and he went off to Mako, just when he was in the water outside his and chased after him since it was about what you said about the Trident, I ended up chasing him to the land entrance those 3 told us about. He was already inside and hit the portal you could called it and jumped in, I jumped in after I just got there and saw the portal knowing Zac  opened it. Next thing I know Zac was holding the Trident and he snapped out of the trance like straight away. But I didn't do anything until those 3 grabbed it and it threw us out. We went to get out of the land entrance, I obviously went and talked to Zac. He was still shocked and just hugged me Mum, I could feel how scared he was. Then we both turn to those 3. Nixie thought she was doing what they thought is best. I ended up exploding said that she didn't care about who got hurt or killed as long as she could get their pod back. Then Zac and I went back to his and now we're here." I say.

"Bloody Hell, Nixie could have got him killed but I'm glad the Trident didn't kill him. As for what Nixie did let me sort it out, just stay next to Zac, he is going to need you now more then ever." Mum says.

"You don't have to worry about that there's no way I'm leaving him alone just in case if those 3 come around." I say.

"Okay, sweetheart." Mum say.

"I need to get back to Zac." I say turning around and heading for my room to find Zac sitting on my bed spaced out. I ended up walking over sitting down next to him. He still don't know I was there. So I decided to kiss him on the lips which ended up bringing him out of it we broke it and I snuggled up next to him. "you okay?" I ask.

"Better that your next to me but last night, what did you mean if it didn't kill me?" He asked.

"Mum said it could either hurt or kill you so I was going to stop you if you know what happened. Then those 3 came and wasted the whole plan." I say.

"So if they didn't come?" He asks.

"You may not of been pull under the Moon spell again, and right after it I would have told you what it could have done to you. That's why I was so pissed at Nixie for that." I say.

"What did she do?" He asks.

"She was the one who removed one of the covers in your place." I say.

"God, I got lucky then, must be you helping me keep that luck." He says.

"Yeah it must be and I'm not leaving your side unless I have to come home." I say hugging him tighter.

"That's good to know, I Love you Alexandra." He says.

Alexandra he never called me that before but I didn't care. "I Love you to Zac." I say.

"So what did your Mum say about you know?" He ask.

"She said that she'll deal with that hopefully never let something like that happen again." I say.

"Okay, want to go for another swim?" He asks.

"Yeah, let's go." I say getting up and heading for the grotto jumping straight into the pool and speeding off with Zac right next to me as we came up on Mako and pulled ourselves out of the Ocean and onto the beach to dry off and sit together again close to the sea with a tree on Zac's back looking out at the Ocean. Just happy I'm finally with the person I Love forever.

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