Chapter 27

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Zac's POV

It was just 2 days before the Full Moon and Alex came around just as I woke up and got ready. So we could go for our swim, like we always do in the morning. Then we headed over to Evie's since we didn't have school or anything else to do.

When we got there, Evie had 2 Sun Chairs out and she was laying on one.

"Hey." Alex and I said.

"Hey, Zac, Alex." Evie said.

"Hey, how come there are only 2 Sun Chairs out?" Alex said.

"All we had plus no doubt you and Zac would just lay on the same one anyways." Evie said.

"She has a point." I said.

Then Alex elbowed me making me wince a bit.

Then we headed over and I got on first so Alex could just lay on me like she always does and me and Alex put our Sunglasses back on again and just relaxed in the Sun letting the rays of the Sun just hit us.


Then long after Evie's Dad comes over.

"Hey, Dad, what are you doing?" Evie said.

"Business, is quiet, so I thought I'd take care of a few things around the house." Evie's Dad said.

"Need a hand, Mr. McLaren?" I said.

"That would be great kids." Evie's Dad said. "With the 4 of us on it, we'll be done in a jiffy."

"Thanks for volunteering us." Evie said.

"I'm with Zac on this one, don't want to just sit around." Alex said.

"What can I say? I'm a generous guy." I said.

"This is the best kind of job for a sunny day." Evie's Dad said. "We get to keep cool while we work."

"What is it exactly?" Evie said.

"A watering system." Evie's Dad said.

"Great." Alex said.


Evie went to talk to her Dad while we kept going at it.

"You know, I won't be liking this when it is done." Alex said.

"Me too, last thing we want is Evie's Dad finding out." I said.

"Yeah and the Council too." Alex said.

"Not to mention Ondina, Serena, and Mimmi." I said.

"And Mum." Alex said as Evie came back over.

"So what are we going to do when he figures it out and turns it on?" Evie said.

"Got any umbrellas?" I said.

"Not helping, Zac." Evie said making me and Alex laugh a bit.

"It's okay, we'll figure it out." Alex said.


"Steve from Michigan says I got this house and was up and running in an hour. Marjorie says, Simplest sprinkler system ever. These guys must work for NASA cause I can't figure it out." Evie's Dad said which made me and Alex laugh a bit. "Look let's do a test on the pipes anyway. We'll see if there's any leaks."

We ended up walking up to where the Sun Chairs was.

"What's up with you?" Evie's Dad said.

"Nothing." Evie said.

"Mum and I couldn't keep you away from the sprinkler when you were little." Evie's Dad said. "You'd play under it for hours."

Me and Alex laughed a bit.

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