Chapter 6

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Alex's pov

Zac and I finished our game of Zombies on Gaint which we got up to round 40 before we got downed. Once Zac turned off the PS. Then me and Zac head over to talk to my Mum after Zac asked his Mum and Dad if he could stay at my house tomorrow night which they said it was okay now. They even asked if we are together now we just said yeah and they was just fine about us being together now and we just left to head to mine to ask Mum.

I look over and see Zac nervous about the full Moon tomorrow night. "Zac, it's going to be okay, I will be with you all the time tomorrow, okay?" I say.

"Yeah, okay." He says still worried.

I just pull him into a kiss making him tense up a little bit before relaxing into the kiss before I pulled away. "Better?" I ask.

"Yeah, much better, thanks." He says smiling.

"Always, Love you Zac." I say.

"Love you too, Alex." He says before he kissed me on the lips and we keep going towards my house. Just when we get there we open the door and went in. We headed for the living room where we saw my Mum sitting there reading something before turning towards us.

"Alex, Zac, everything okay?" Mum asks me.

"Yeah, we came round to ask something." Zac says.

"What?" Mum asks.

"Is it alright if Zac stays over tomorrow night since it's going to be a full Moon and it would keep Zac's Mum and Dad off the secret." I say.

"Yeah, sure plus I remember your first full Moon." Mum says making me not wanting to think about it.

"Thanks Mum." I say.

"Of course, Zac you can come around anytime you know." Mum says to him. Zac puts a smile on his face.

"Thanks..." Zac said before Mum spoke again.

"Rita when we aren't at school Zac." Mum says.

"Thanks Rita." He says.

"Mum, there something else you should know." I say making Mum look at me. "Zac and I are together now." I say.

"I knew that, could see it in your eyes the whole time Zac was mentioned." Mum said.

"Told you it was going to be okay." Zac says to me.

"Yeah, I'm going to bed see you tomorrow Zac." I say as I head down the Corridor to my room but I hear Zac saying night to Mum and leaving for home so his parents don't worry.

Next day.

I got up and dressed before I saw Mum in the kitchen. "Hey Mum." I said.

"Hey Love, you alright for tonight?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, more worried about Zac, hows he going to handle it?" I ask.

"He has you Alexandra, you Love him just like he Loves you, sometimes that's enough, just stay close together." Mum says.

"Okay, thanks, I'm going to get him and go for a swim before the full moon." I say.

"Okay Love." Mum says as I head towards the front door and headed towards Zac's place.

When I get there I see Zac just sitting on his 2 sitter, so I decided to Cloak and sneak up on him. Just when I reach him I decloak and kissed him.

"Hey Alex, wait how did you do that?" He asks.

"I cloaked and I ended up able to Cloak after my first, and once you get through your first I'll show you okay?" I say.

"Yeah, and done all packed." He said grabbing his bag still worried about it.

"Hey, I'll be with you okay? We will get through this together Zac." I say.

"Yeah Alex, Love you." He says.

"Love you too Zac." I say. "Where first?"

"Drop this bag off at yours, then go for a swim?" He says reading my mind.

"Just what I was going to say, come on Zac." I say leading him out with his bag on his shoulder waiting for me to come out so he can lock it and say to his parents "see you in the morning." and left for my house with our arms around each other, heading to my house, when we see Cam at the Cafe which we choose to leave him there and keep going to mine. Once we get there Mum said he could stay with me tonight til we could get a spare bed in there. But we were happy we were spending the full Moon with each other. Just after Zac left his bag in my room, we went down to the grotto where Lyla, Nixie, and Serena were.

"Hi." They said at once.

"Hey." Zac and I say at the same time.

"Ready for the full Moon?" Lyla asks.

"Yeah, we just going for a swim before then." I say.

"Okay." Lyla said while Nixie and Serena nodded.

"Ready?" I say to Zac.

"Ready." He says as we both jump into my Mum's Moon Pool and swim off to Mako. Going around it twice and back to Mum's, which we end up tying this time.

"I nearly had you." We both said at the same time before we were so close to each other our tails touch before we kiss. "Come on lets get dried and head to my room for the night." I say pulling myself up and dried my tail off with my powers. Zac got out next before drying off his tail when I showed him how I use my power to dry myself and he catching up on them like he didn't need to try. Then we headed up to my room and Zac pulled out his PS and we both ended up playing 2 games of Zombies before I seen Zac tense up knowing that was the full Moon.

"Hey, focus on me Zac." I say to him putting my hand on his cheek trying to calm him down.

"Was it this strong on your first?" He asks me.

"Yeah, but I only had Mum, you got me Zac, I Love you." I said.

"I Love you too, Alex." He says looking into my eyes trying to focus on them.

It was about 2 hours in before he started to get irritated and I couldn't calm him down. Next thing I know he's out of my room and into the grotto jumping into the Moon Pool. I followed him not wanting anything bad to happen to him. I found him running at the land entrance. "Zac, wait." I shout. Just before it snapped shut Zac came out of it. "Zac, are you okay?" I ask.

He just nods yes and I just pull him into a hug for a bit. "Come on lets go home baby." I say.

"Yeah, okay." He says as we walk away from the land entrance without noticing Lyla, Nixie, and Serena watching the whole thing. We just get back to find my Mum waiting for us. She asked what happened and I told her what happened just glad he was ok. Mum ends up just nodding and saying for us to get some sleep and we'll talk more in the morning and Zac went into the bathroom to change while I changed in my room. When he comes out I was laying in bed waiting for him to get in.

"Alex." He says.

"Yeah." I say.

"Did that happen to you on your first?" He asked.

"Yeah but not to the land entrance more like into the Moon pool on Mako, come on get some sleep, see how you feel when you wake up tomorrow." I say to him which he ends up nodding before he pulled me closer to him and it was just so relaxing we fell asleep waiting for what tomorrow would bring and I'm hoping that he can Cloak now too. So I can show him all the best stuff we can do together.

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