Chapter 35

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(Tw! Warning)

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(Tw! Warning)

"Sunghoon!". Before she knows it, her feet sprint towards the scene, her heart beating against her chest like a roaring ocean wave.

The monster's claws come crashing down on her, sending sharp jolts of pain through her body. Blood splatters from her skin as if in slow motion. "Aghh", She falls to the floor. The excruciating pain and sight of her own blood makes her feel faint.

"Mel...", Horrified, Sunghoon runs to her and holds her up. "Melody! Don't close your eyes please!"

She looks up at Sunghoon, her vision blurry. His tears drip onto her cheek and mingle with her blood. "I'll be fine, Sunghoon. Save yourself."

"Th-There's no way I'm leaving with you, Melody."

Melody senses the monster approaching. The eerie sound of it dragging its body gets closer and closer. "Please Sunghoon! You have to get out off here!!".

With each step the monster takes, the wood floor begins to give away until they end up falling headfirst into a black abyss beneath.

This is the end.

She slowly closes her eyes and loses her consciousness. The last thing she feels the warmth of Sunghoon's body clinging to protect her.


Melody's Pov

I wake up.

The morning sun casts it's rays through the curtains. In contrast to the warm sunlight, my heart feels immensely heavy. It feels hard just to be alive.

"Sunghoon!". Out of nowhere, I catch sight of Jay's younger self. "Hey Sunghoon, are you listening to me?".

I soon realise Jay is talking to me. Confused, I tries to move my head, but I can't. Something in the window catches my eyes. The reflection takes me by suprise for a moment, and I realise that this body isn't mine. This is Sunghoon's body and I can't help but wonder if I'm dreaming.

"Were you sleeping with your eyes open?"

I look around at the other kids in the room. Jake's in the corner by himself and Ari's playing with her dolls.

Suddenly the door creaks open. Heeseung comes in, grinning from ear to ear.

"Heeseung! Where have you been?", Jay pouts. "We could have started the game earlier but now it's time for art class." Heeseung laughs, shrugging of Jay's complains.

I can see a little girl trying to hide behind Heeseung. That little girl!

The other kids start to gather around, and Heeseung introduces my younger self. I just nod despite everyone's enthusiasm, not even a smile on my face.

"Sunghoon come over!"

I try to take a step back, but something holds me back. It's invisible force growing at the pit of his stomach. His sense of dread takes over, and all I could do is watch as things unfold.

Sunghoon does as he is told, and introduces himself, eyes downcast. He keeps his head low, and as his bangs cover his eyes, he squeaks out a greeting. "Hello."

He does his best to hide his eyes, but he bobs his head up and down lightly, wanting to see if my younger self will react. But instead, my younger self reaches out to pay him in his head. "Ummm."

As Sunghoon lifts his head, his bangs sway to the side, revealing both of his eyes.

"Ah". My younger self stares at Sunghoon with those empty eyes, hands suspended in the air. "So pretty."

I see myself looking curiously at the boy in front  of me, eyes wide with wonder.

My eyes are... pretty?

My younger self smiles slightly. Suddenly, I start to hear and feel Sunghoon's thoughts and emotions inside me.

Why would she like them? I don't understand. All my life everyone said my eyes are a curse. But she... She's looking at me! Aren't you afraid?

The heavy burden in Sunghoon's shoulder are lifted all at once. At that moment, I realise how much my simple words meant to Sunghoon. He had been waiting so long to be accepted by someone.

"Sunghoon's eyes are pretty, right?", Heeseung smiles brightly, as he looks at his friend. "Hear that? You better get a haircut and let those eyes of yours shine."

"I-I'm not getting a haircut".

"What's your name?", Jay interrupts, but my younger self doesn't answer. "That's funny because I heard you say something just a second ago. Are you mute?."

"That's not nice, Jay", Sunghoon frowns.

"Father said it's rude not to answer questions."

Sunghoon ignores Jay's remarks and takes my younger self's hand. "My name is Sunghoon. What about you?."



I hear Sunghoon repeating my name in his heart. It feels like both love and the will to live budded in his heart that day.

As I begin to drift away, the last thing I sense inside him is his strong determination proclaiming, "Someday I want to be able to save Melody just like she saved me".

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