Chapter 5

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"Are you ready Melody?", Jake asks, as Melody nods and grabs the baseball bat

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"Are you ready Melody?", Jake asks, as Melody nods and grabs the baseball bat. "Yes, Let's do this!".

The four of them head to the door as Jay turns towards them," Okay, Splitting up would help us search for clues faster. Let's meet back here in half a hour-". Jake interrupts him, " We don't have any way to tell the time though."

Jay smiles, and takes out somethings from his pocket. Melody widens her eyes in recognition," Are those stopwatches?".

"Right. I figured if watches can't tell the exact time here, atleast maybe we could tell how long", He explains.

Melody gasps, returning a smile of her own,"That's such a great idea!".

"I replaced the batteries so i know they will last for a while", He adds.

"Let's see if it works", Jake grabs one of the stopwatches. He clicks the button as they all peer into it closer.

"It works!", Melody cheers, as the numbers on them run in crazy speed, revealing the seconds they spend.

There was plenty of devices for each of them, and while Jay, jake and melody still decide on what to do, Sunghoon clicks his light on and is already out the door.

"Sunghoon, wait!"

Sunghoon glances back at them, and points eastward. "I'll check over here."

"Alright come back after 30 minutes", said jay as the younger one nods and disappears into the hallway.

"He is an odd one, isn't he?", Jake blurts, looking in the direction the latter went. "You can tell from his uniform that he's in high school. I'm impressed..he is younger than me", Melody whispers and adds," Will he be alright on his own?".

Her comment fades into the darkness.

As they walk out of the room, Jake narrows his eyes," Its pitch black....". Jay turns on his flashlight, but it does nothing to tell them what was out there.

"It's a long endless tunnel. I can't believe Sunghoon walked out of here alone", Melody gasps. All of a sudden, she feels a breath over her neck. Reminded of the fangs of that monster last night, her entire body breaks out in goosebumps.

She covers her neck and turns to see Jake's set of white teeth in a blinding smile. "Are you scared?", He asks, trying to bite his laughter.

"You piece of shit". Trying to hide her embarrassement, she gives jake a good strong poke. "Ow. Ouch. Okay geez sorry!!!", He laughs.

Jay sighs looking at them acting like kids.

"I'll go the other way", Melody heralds noticing the leader's glare towards them. "Ok see you later", Jake waves as he walks towards the opposite direction.

"Okay i have to get going too", she tells to herself, staring into the darkness. But as soon as she takes a step, her legs freeze. She groans, and turns towards the direction Jake went. "So much for not being afraid."

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