Chapter 7

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Melody waits for the car to pass before she crosses the street

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Melody waits for the car to pass before she crosses the street."I am not sure if i got this right but....

Everyone tomorrow 10 am! Meet me at the fountain at Belift Plaza!

"Before losing consciousness, i believe Jay told everyone to gather today."

She glances at her watch. It was 9:30. "I got here so early." She felt nervous as she was going to meet them for the first time in real life.

The fountain was showering fresh drops of water around, and she walks over to the other side.

"Oh?", Melody stops on her tracks. On the bench, someone with silvery hair was sitting with his eyes closed. The person resembled sunghoon a lot. The earphones in his ears tell her he wants to shut the world out.

She licks her lips and musters up the courage to walk towards the young man. The black-haired slowly steps towards him as he suddenly looks up. He had two blue eyes.

In an instant, she sees an image of Sunghoon in her head, his eyes of different colours, shining in the dark. But this guy....

He looks up at her confused. As she stands there mystified, he tilts his head, furrowing his brow. "Ah...i am sorry i thought you were my friend", she apologizes and smiles awkwardly, scratching the back of her head. "Carry on, sorry to disturb you."

The young man blinks. "Do i really look that different to you?."


"Sit down", He pats the seat next to him, and she obliges. She wondered how long he had been sitting here. Was he nervous like her and came early?

"I was really anxious all morning. I couldn't stay still so I'm here early. What about you? ", she asked.

"I made an excuse to go out", he answered. "It feels a bit uncomfortable staying at home."

"Do you have trouble with your parents?", Melody asked. Sunghoon crosses his legs. "Nothing like that...."

She guessed Sunghoon doesn't really like being at home and wondered if it has something to do with him not liking his eyes. Her eyes unconsciously shift to his blue left eye. It looked so enchanting.

He looks up at her, clearly unsettled."what?"

"Nothing...Just that...". Melody murmured. She now knew he was wearing contact lenses. "I know it's a touchy thing for you but i really like your eyes Sunghoon. Your real ones are really beautiful just the way they are."

Sunghoon looks at her wide-eyed. But he doesn't really say anything, and his gaze goes even more intense. Gah! Stop looking at her like that!

Her stomach suddenly rumbles. Crap! She was in such a hurry, she forgot to eat. She takes a glance and Sunghoon giggles, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, as if to stop a whole bunch of laughter coming out from his lips. "Oh come on! It's not something to laugh about!", She purses her lips in a pout, bending over to hide her stomach.

But instead of keeping it in, Sunghoon let's out a hearty laugh,"Pfft hahahhahaha. Believe me but I've never heard a stomach growl so loudly before." His words come out with a hint of smile.

She stared at him, somehow in awe. She had never seen him smile before. He's really cute when he smiles. Smitten by his smile, she couldn't help but giggle.

Sunghoon looks as if he's suprised for a moment and quickly retracts his smile. "What?".

"Oh nothing", She shook her head.

"Let's go", He jerks his chin up to point the cafe across the street. "I'd like to take a bite". He shifts his entire body, so she could see his profile. "Do you feel like joining me?". His last sentence a bit quiet, somewhat reserved. She blinks for several times, noting a bit of redness in his cheeks. Shy shy~ Somehow he seems listeless while having many sides to him at the same time.

Melody sighed. "Can't hide it now can i? I really am hungry."

"There's still time before the others come, so let's go."


"One large breakfast plate, here", the waiter sets the huge dish in front of Sunghoon. "And a caffe latte with extra sugar for the lady. Enjoy."

Sunghoon glances into his plate with interest. It's a large breakfast set with half a baguette, two bacon strips, two poached eggs, and colesaw salad with potato wedges on the side. "This is yours, right?".

She laughs sheepishly, as sunghoon takes the cup of latte from her side. And she reaches for the plate that was supposed to be hers to begin with.

In a split second, their fingers touch. It felt kind of awkward....

Like they were on a date-

She felt a slight flash of heat across her face. She snaps out of it and promptly dismisses those thoughts.

"Uhm, Let me"

"Uh, Thanks"

Melody retracts her hands and watches him slide the plate across the table. "I thought you said you were gonna take a bite. You only ordered a drink."

"I'm fine with this".

'But this makes me looks like i eat a lot!', she thought. 'I mean i do, but---'

"Why aren't you eating?", Sunghoon asks. Then he proceeds to dump the extra sugar on his drink. That's gonna be so sweet. So Sunghoon has a sweet tooth, huh?.

She presses her lips togethers, and forks up a potato wedge. "Oh man! This is so good!"
Sunghoon let's out a chuckle. Noticing her childish behaviour, she puts her fork back down. "Go on and eat. I'm not going to make fun of you if that's what you are thinking", He said. "I didn't think of it that way", she replied.

"I like that you are honest", He muttered.


Sunghoon takes a sip of his coffee. She watches him lick his lips, and he sets the cup back into place. "I think it's great that you don't put up a front and are able to just freely be yourself." Does that mean you aren't able to be yourself Sunghoon? It made her feel sad thinking about it.

"I happen to like people who can be themselves", He smiles, as she feels a bolt through her chest. Man do you even REALIZE, you're a Lady killer!?

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𝗡𝗢𝗖𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗡𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗦Where stories live. Discover now