Chapter 28

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Melody mutters the code, as she wakes up, committing it to the memory

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Melody mutters the code, as she wakes up, committing it to the memory. No matter what, she couldn't afford to forget it. It was their only clue to find Heeseung. She sits down, noticing the sun quickly rising for a new day. Another day without Heeseung in the real world.

I promise....i will find you.

"Nnnng", Jay yawns loudly while Sunghoon stays quiet, yawning without a sound.

The past few mornings have had them waking up in a panic. However, this time they all sit motionless for several minutes. But, the silence isn't awkward. They're all just tired.

The ray of the sun come shining through the windows bathing them in warm light.

"I need a stretch", Jay opens his door and steps out. Sunghoon does the same, opening the door on the other side.

Melody opts to open the car window, letting some fresh air in. The boys do their thing, stretching their limb as she views the trees from where she sits in the car. For a moment, it looks they are friends on a road trip. But in reality....

"Isn't it stuffy in there?", Sunghoon pops his head into the window, letting his elbow rest on the frame.

"Nah, I'm okay", She breaks into a smile when sees him staring at her through the window like a cute little animal with those almond-shaped eyes. "I got this place all too myself, so I'm not too stiff."

Sunghoon smiles sweetly back at her, as if comforted by her smile. "It feels nice out here, come on."


He steps back so she can open the door.

"Ahh", The coolness of the morning air hits her body and she instantly feels the chill on her skin.

Just then, a car approaches.

Jay gets back into their lane, minding the car as it slows down.

It's stopping. What could someone else be doing here deep in the mountains? There's nothing except an abandoned orphanage.

Their window rolls down revealing two men inside. "Hey! What're you all doin' here?", One of them asks.

"Uhh...we're just doing some research on...", Melody was saying when she was cutted off by Jay. "We're just doing some little exploration. We were kind of dared to go to explore the old orphanage."

"Huh?", Melody whispers to herself. "If the reason why Father was assassinated was supposed to be kept a secret, it's best we don't mention that we're here to search around the orphanage", Sunghoon quietly tells me.

"You mean these men could be involved in trying to cover up the human experiments?", She asks as Sunghoon nods.

Just as she's casually thinking about how cool Jay is for quickly picking up on the fact that these guys are here to keep the truth about Bluebells a secret, Jay questions them back. "By the way, what are you gentlemen doing out here? With those work clothes on, you don't look like you are here for a silly teenage dare?".

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