Chapter 20

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The door creaks as Jay opens it, and they find themselves in a huge living room

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The door creaks as Jay opens it, and they find themselves in a huge living room. Everything is arranged neatly, not a single thing out of place. It looks very normal, at least.

They pass through the hallway, then Jay stops. "Do you hear that?", He asks.

There's a rattling sound coming from inside the room under the stairs.


Jay holds his index finger against his lips, signalling her to keep quiet.


The rattling stops and is replaced by something slamming against the door from the inside.

"Please! Please, open the door!"

Jay and Melody look at each other in shock. "Who is that?", She asks.

"Is someone there? Please!"

Jay reaches for the door knob, but before he can get a hold of it, they hear footsteps from behind.

They turn around, and see another boy running towards him. "Jake?", Melody frowns. Oh no! They're gonna bump into each other.

Without much time to react, the young boy runs into Jay, passing through him like mist.


Jake's distorted image floats for a few seconds until his regains his usual form. But they don't have time to comment on the phenomenon.

Young Jake turns the knob and opens the door. "Don't worry! Your brother's right here!"

"Brother!", A young boy emerges from behind the door and rushes into young Jake's arms.

"Jake has a brother?", Melody whispers. The little brother looks oddly familiar to her.

"What's happening?", Jake runs and pants, standing beside them.

The vision of the two brothers unfolds in the space between them. They're a picture of love, the boy comforting his little brother.

"Brother! Why is mommy so mean to me? I'm scared. Uwaaa!"

Jay takes a step closer, and so does Jake, closing in from the other side.

A bruised, frail looking child is holding onto young Jake with all his might. The child lifts his head.

"Is this...", Jay murmurs.

They all take in the younger brother's features. The familiarity takes them by suprise.

"J-Jay?", Jake shoots Jay an inquisitive look, the vision of two younger brothers separating them like a thin cloud.

Jay stands still, the confusion clear on his eyes.

Does this mean that Jake and Jay are...

"Shh...Calm down. Mom does it because she's worried about you unlike me", Young Jake comforts little Jay.

"Then why does Mom hurt me like this? She keeps locking me up and yelling at me when i make mistakes. Mom lets you do whatever you want. She loves you more!", Jay confronts him.

Young Jake pats his brother, stroking the little boy's hair. "Don't worry, Jay. I'll protect you."

The vision gradually disappears until the scene that separates them is no more.


Jay takes a step forward, his eyes fixed on Jake. He opens his mouth, his words raspy as his breath grows short.


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Author: The last update for today~ A short one but effective.

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