Chapter 25

151 16 56

They don't find Jay so they decide to go back to where they were before

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They don't find Jay so they decide to go back to where they were before.

As they exit the jungle-like atrium, the main hall greets them with a haunting silhouette, the sun setting low behind it.

"We're right back where we started", Sunghoon says.

"Ugh! I can't believe we came all this way for nothing!", Melody exclaims, stomping her foot on ground, letting out a fit of frustration. Wandering through that maze was nothing but a waste of time.

Sunghoon scratches his head, sighing, "We still have time."

She bites her lip, embarrassed that she lost her temper all of a sudden. He snickers.

Sorry. It's not like me to just explode like that.

"You're cute when you get angry though"

"Oh, please...", She pouts, refusing to look at him.

"Yeah, just like that", Sunghoon smiles. "But i don't think you're really angry. You're just really worried that we didn't find Jay."

Well I'm worried worried but....

She blushes as she thinks back to what happened earlier. But Sunghoon continues onward. It's almost like he has forgotten about it already," Let's check the other areas."

With no luck trying to locate Jay, they end up at the entrance to the underground passage. The echoes of their footsteps are the only sound.

The chilly air makes her shiver. "In the nightmare world, we found Heeseung first time in one of these rooms, right?".

"Yeah, the room over there", Sunghoon exclaims, pointing to a door.

They try to open the door. Melody sighs, "No good. Looks like we need a passcode."

"A dead end huh? Let's check elsewhere."

They resume their research.

As they continue on their way, Melody is struck by an overpowering scent of what smells like rusted metal. The smell reminds her of Jake's death, and she can't help but gag.

"Melody, look!"

There's a large bloodstain in the old hallway. Next to it is a partially wilted bouquet of flowers.

"The blood's dry. But relatively it's fresh", Sunghoon whispers. "Given how big this puddle is, i doubt whoever  it came from is still with us."

"Who could've done this?", Melody turns to see a name tag on the floor, and she decides to pick it up. It has the name 'Lee Hyun-woo' written on it. She felt like she had heard this name somewhere before... But where?

As she's caught up in her own thoughts, she suddenly hears Jay's voice from behind. "Finally i found you both!".

Sunghoon turns towards him. "Where were you?". His tone is icy. "Did you atleast find anything useful after you ran off on your own like an idiot?"

Jay narrows his eyes in reply, panting heavily," Sorry...". He looks like he regrets what he did. Well that's rare.

"Jay, i understand that you're anxious, but we have to stay calm. Slow and steady wins the race right?", Melody smiles slightly.

"Yeah you're right", Jay nods.

"Don't go off on your own next time. We're all in this together, aren't we?", Sunghoon says as Jay's eyes widen not expecting those words. Then he grins. "You sure got some guts to tell me that." Sunghoon scoffs silently, as if trying to challenge him.

Is this some sort of unspoken friendship, between guys? Atleast she knows, they don't hate each other. She smiles, thinking to herself.

"What did you find then", Jay says, as he examines the flowers and the bloodstain. "Lee Hyun-woo? If i remember correctly that's '
Father's name."

Huh.i guess his name was something like that....i never really gave much thought about his name when i was a child.

"Could he have been killed here?", Sunghoon tilts his head, wondering. "Judging from the amount of blood, that's most certainly the case", Jay nods.

"I guess that means we're not getting any information out of him", Melody sighs.

"You're right about that..."

They talk about their next step as they walk towards the gate, the sun almost gone from the skies.

"We'll have to access the old archive to find—", Jay stops in his tracks, and so do they both.

Just between them and the entrance, a vision appears.

Six children are having fun in the playground. It's all of them. Even Ari and Jake...

The younger versions of them are perfect, happy and without a care in the world. Feeling of helplessness take over her mind.

Melody glances beside her, and sees Jay clenching his fists. She guessed he feels the same way. Or is he mad at himself for wasting a whole day?

She knows he is trying to act like nothing happened, but he can't deny it. Jake's passing is too much for him to handle.

"Let's go"

They continue their research until the last possible minute before leaving the building.

"Lock the doors and windows", Jay says as they find themselves back in the car. Atleast here, they can protect themselves better.

The blue tinted light of the crescent moon lights the sky. It's like death smiling on them, waiting for it's next victim.

"Alright, let's see what happens tonight", Melody whispers to herself.

They used to do everything they could to try to prevent themselves from falling into the nightmare world.

Now here they are, waiting patiently for ten p.m. to come. They can't fight it. They just have to accept it.

This nightmare...and also their past.

It isn't long before the bell rings.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

Well did you guys only sunghoon calls Melody by nickname..?

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