Chapter 19

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They cross the gates at the park, and she still finds herself thinking about Heeseung's situation

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They cross the gates at the park, and she still finds herself thinking about Heeseung's situation.

Could he be a part of the monster? Or maybe the one that controls the nightmare? But he saved her life from that creature. He wouldn't do that if he was connected to it, somehow.

And Heeseung is a real person. Her memories prove that. So why couldn't they find him in the real world? What if...

She stops in her tracks.


What if he's not in the real world because he's already dead? Memories of him as a child rise up in her mind and fade away. She feels her hope fading away with her memories.


"What's the problem, Melody? Why did you stop?", Heeseung tugs her hands, bringing her back to her senses.

"Oh sorry, let's go"

"You seemed so out of it. Are you okay?"

She forces a smile. "Yes i'm—". Heeseung holds up his index finger to her lips," If there's something that's bothering you, i want to help."

I can't just ask," hey are you dead?". And even if i could, i don't know if i want to know the answer. But maybe sharing my fears will make me feel better.

His eyes are so sincere. She felt bad for thinking so negatively.

Heeseung squeezes her hand, as if assuring her it's okay to open up. She hesitates. He gives her a dejected smile," Even if you can't now. I'd really love for you to share your feeling with me in the future."

"I'm scared, Heeseung", She finally says, and lowers her head, but his hand holds her firmly. Nonetheless she drops her gaze, biting her tongue against the bitter assumptions she has in mind. "Why can't I see you in the morning? I meet with the others in real world, but you... You're never there."


You exist here, but we can't find you anywhere else. "Why is that?", Melody questions as she could feel her chest tighten. "What if...", She looks back at him again, fighting through the worst of her fears. "I'm terrified that one day, I'll wake up and hear about you on the news....just like Ari. Or what if you're no longer a part of our world? What if you're already dead and we can never meet again?"

"The nightmare world is terrifying, and i hate it. I hate it, but the thought of never be able to see you again after being freed is worse. I just—"

Heeseung cuts her off, using his free hand to push a few strands of her hair from her face. He then rests his hand on her cheek, cupping her face with both hands. He smiles at her gently. "Do you feel that?"

She nods. His hands are so warm.

"Tell me how you feel?"

"Warm and safe. I feel calm"

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