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"Where are those two?" Shafiq grumbled, frustrated, having already checked the few rooms they'd cleaned up for usage. He was worried, rightly so, considering to whom the house used to belong, and what horrors might've been locked safely into one of the unused, dusty rooms.

Maybe they got held up snogging, he thought, remembering what Aletheia had told him. Quite a long shot, but it did ease his nerves. Rounding a corner, he arrived in the corridor which consisted of Aoife's and Regulus's rooms. They could be here, he thought, knocking on Aoife's door.

Alas, no-one opened it, and on trying Regulus's, it yielded the same results.

He let out a frustrated sigh. If they weren't in their rooms, where could they be? The meadow? But it was too late. The library? Probably not, but he should check once ...

With a annoyed huff, he plodded along the corridors towards the smaller library, more frequently used by the two.

He eyed the gloomy tapestries covering the walls with interest, having nothing else to preoccupy him. With the feeble light of his wand, and the flickering incandescence offered by the mediaeval torches, he disinterestedly glanced at the intrinsic family trees and beautiful sceneries.

One of them caught his eye, and he stopped to examine it, a beautiful threadwork of some idyllic cliff, in South Wales? Probably, given that it was stitched the extreme left of the latter. Brushing off some dust -- while making sure not to inhale it -- he saw the faded, but sparkling waves crashing down on the cliff, crumbling rocks. One quick 'Tergeo' siphoned away all the dust, leaving it, almost, as good as new.

Squinting his eyes, he made out two slim figures, a man and a woman, waltzing at the edge of the cliff.

Quite romantic, he thought to himself. Maybe he should go there with Carolina one day ...

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a dark, suited man, presumably one of the lovebirds's father. He approached them in a fit of rage, and pushed the woman off the cliff. The man, quite incensed, took out his miniature wand (it was quite adorable, in his opinion) and started to duel his father. As soon as she hit the water, the scene changed, back to when they were waltzing.

It gave him the creeps, and he felt something move in the shadows. Gipping his wand tightly, he grabbed one of the torches and surveyed the entire corridor, waving the former around wildly.

There was no one in sight.

Shrugging it off, he continued with the torch, though a sense of watchfulness caused a pit of uneasiness to settle in his stomach.


"Who are you, and where are we?" Regulus demanded, his wand pointed unwaveringly at the mysterious woman's forehead.

Aoife has quickly gained her footing, and while scouting around for a good weapon, her eyes landed on a metalic rod. Good for maiming, if it came to it. She sincerely hoped it didn't.

After arming herself, she shifter her focus to the young woman at gun- no wand-point. She seemed about her age, small and lithe, almost catlike; choppy purple hair glimmered as if they had stars woven into them. Her beautiful violet eyes seemed to sparkle in the dark.

"You are safe and I am a ... friend," she replied, her voice tinged with an unknown accent. She raised her hands till her shoulder, showing that she meant no harm.

Aoife relaxed her grip on the rod, and let it rest on her leg. Regulus, however, just narrowed his eyes.

"Name. I don't befriend unknowns. Mother was quite particular about my acquaintances."

"Is it really necessary, Regulus Black? I know your name, it's quite enough," she smirked, her eyes landing on Aoife for the first time. "Good to see you here. In one piece too."

"I think that all humans are usually in one piece, though. Aoife," she stuck out her hand. "Nice to meet you."

Regulus glared at the outstretched hand, while the woman examined it with interest.

"Good to meet someone with etiquettes," she grasped Aoife's hand. A strange sort of current passed through her body. "Bilquis."

"Do you know the way out?" Aoife inquired, dropping the pole. Regulus tried to stun her, but she dodged it with ease.

"Don't you know that it's wrong to attack with your enemies's back turned?" Bilquis asked him without sparing a glance. "This way," she said to Aoife, cocking her head towards the dark shadows in front of them.

"Let's go then. You want to come with us? It probably gets lonely down here, right?" Aoife asked.

"I don't think there's any need for that," Regulus quickly cut in, shooting a sharp glare at Bilquis. "And we have some work to do. Right, Aoife?" He gave her a pointed look.

"Right ... Hey, Bilquis," she said, ignoring Regulus's sigh, "d'you know who was screaming a few minutes ago? We're living right above this cave thing, and I don't really fancy sleeping on top of some torture chamber."

"It was probably a ghoul," she said dismissively, thought Regulus could see that she wasn't telling the truth. Aoife however, seemed satisfied, which irked him. How was she just able to trust the random woman who'd pulled them through a solid wall?

Then again, that's probably the reason she ended up with them. If she'd refused to help Sirius and went on with her day, then she wouldn't have ended up here.

"I don't think we'll be following you anywhere," Regulus grasped Aoife's hand, preventing her from following Bilquis. "We'll find our way ourselves, no thanks."

Aoife just shot him a look and sighed.

"Your loss then," she just shrugged, a smug smile on her lips. As if she knew something they didn't.

Faintly, they heard clanking armour, followed by a yell in a different language.

"Fine," Regulus relented. "Lead the way."


Hello everyone!

And I have no words ...
I leave the story for 7 dam days and we've crossed 8 effing K!!!

You lot are amazing, with 1000% zing! I crack myself up sometimes.
Anyways ...

We're almost at 9k folks!

And it's all because of .... you've guessed it ...


On an unrelated note, the next chaps the 80th, chaps! Just like my grandma or something!

❤️X2000 all of you.

See ya chicas! Chicos! Chicacos!

I made the last one up, you won't find it on Google.

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