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"He's a Hufflepuff?" Regulus asked incredulously. "Uncle Cygnus and Aunt Druella let you befriend him?" He knew the answer of course. It was a secret acquaintance, and if they knew about it, Adelaide would've been 6 feet under.

"Of course not," she scoffed. "Don't tell anyone, okay?"

He glared at her, incredibly affronted, but nodded nevertheless.

"So he's a muggle-born and Hufflepuff?" Regulus asked again, disbelief clear in his voice.

"Yes," Adelaide slapped his shoulder, irritated by his nagging.

"Mother will have my head," Regulus has paled, his voice slightly shaking.

"If she got to know," she wrapped a comforting arm around him with difficulty, due to the narrow aisle of the train. "If you don't want to, we can go back?" she offered.

Regulus shook his head determinedly, though the colour still hadn't returned to his face.

"But he's a Hufflepuff," he whined again, contempt in his voice.

"Hush," she scolded him, now slapping his head. "If you want to put that top secret plan of yours into action, which by the way, you still haven't told me about, then you have to come and put your prejudice aside."

"Fine," he pouted, but didn't say anything.

"Fine Prongs, I'll get you your pumpkin pasties, you little baby," a shout met them as they walked further down the train.

Sirius Black, Regulus's estranged brother, bumped into him, laughing like a headless chicken.

"Oi, watch it...." Sirius's voice trailed away when he saw his brother, his emotions carefully concealed, walking with their cousin Adelaide.

"Brother," Regulus greeted stiffly, noting the carriage full of Slytherins right next to them, watching his every move with beady eyes.

"It's nice to see you Reggie," Sirius smiled warmly, awkwardly patting his shoulder. "Good to see you Adelaide."

"Likewise," she nodded.

Regulus noticed one of the Slytherins, Rosier, frown, and decided to act quickly.

"Your presence is not needed here Sirius," he sneered, internally hating himself. "You're no longer my brother."

The brother inside Sirius was offended, and he was quite saddened to hear his brother say this. He quickly tossed an arm around Regulus, causing him to stiffen, and the Slytherins to perk up like Rita Skeeter.

Regulus pushed Sirius away reluctantly, and removed his wand.

"Stay away from me," he warned him, trying to keep his wand steady. "You don't know the repercussions."

Sirius's anger flared, and he too removed his wand. Adelaide quickly butted in, and pulled Regulus away. In that short time however, he was able to slip a note into his brother's robes.

Meet me in the Room of Requirement. On the seventh floor, next to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls ballet. I'll explain everything.
Bring only one trusted confidant. Adelaide will be there, don't make a scene.



"I can't keep this up Krass," Regulus lamented. "He's the only brother I have."

"Stop moaning like Moaning Myrtle. We're here," she quickly pushed him into the compartment.

"Oi, get out. This compartment's mine!" A tall, lean boy with turquoise hair yelled grumpily from his seat, his nose buried in a book. A muggle book, Regulus noticed.

"Smith," Adelaide's voice came from behind him, startling both the boys present. "This is my cousin, Regulus."

The boy sat up and smiled kindly at Regulus. Regulus, on the other hand, stood as still as a statue, hovering awkwardly.

Sensing the tension, Smith offered a plastic bag. "Sweets?"

Regulus joined him without a word.

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