#3-Je Ne Sais Quoi

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Today was not a good day to land on top of an isolated hill.

Under normal circumstances, Sirius would've loved to plan an impromptu picnic to such a place with his estranged brother, but today was anything but normal. Scrambling to his feet, he looked around wildly for his brother.

There he was.

A few feet away, his brother was sprawled on the ground, immobile.

Sirius stumbled towards his brother, quite panicked. An unidentified curse had hit him, and not knowing what would happen was something Sirius did not like much. Especially in such situations.

Nearing his brother, he smelt the sickly sweet smell of blood, increasing his worry tenfold. Whipping out his wand, he racked his mind for any healing spell, but came blank. Quickly transfiguring a rock into a bandage, he wrapped it around his brother's abdomen. The cut wasn't that deep, but why Regulus was still knocked out worried him. After all, you don't drop unconscious everyday.

Quickly hoisting up his brother, Sirius began the long, treacherous climb down the hill, his destination a small village he had spotted.

"Why in the name of Merlin did Regulus have to be so heavy?" Sirius grumbled under his breath as he worked his way painfully down the slope.

Halfway down, when he was just cursing the Quirods for not leaving his brother alone, it clicked. He was a wizard, and could magically support his still unconscious brother. Whipping out his wand, while mentally facepalming at his stupidity, he cast a spell to make it more easier to descend. In a few half hours, both brothers had reached the outskirts of the tiny village. Regulus was still knocked out.


Aoife was mad. And rightfully so. Who was Donaldson to tell her what to do and not do?

"I'm telling you Aoife, if you don't give this childish job up, you can't stay under me roof."

Aoife stared at the pudgy man infront of her. His face, like an accordion, was currently puffed up in victory, giving him the look of a croaking toad. He smiled at his niece sickeningly.

"Fine Uncle," Aoife said, controlling her wrath. Nothing good ever came out of unreasonable anger. "I'll just go and tell Mr McGonagall."

Donaldson nodded approvingly, gesturing for her to get out.

Quickly, Aoife took her coat, and rushed out of the house. It was cold today. Cold for Scottish summer.

She exited the village, nodding hello to the few acquaintances she'd made over the 5 years spent living here, away from London. She was in a hurry, not to meet Mr McGonagall, but to get some fresh air at her favourite hill.

Striding out of the village, and musing about the present weather conditions, she accidentally bumped into an unfamiliar, harried young man, supporting an unconscious one, probably his brother from the looks of it.

"Help me, please," he said in a strained voice. "I don't know what's wrong," he gestured towards his brother.

Aoife, her curly red hair glinting in the sun, gestured wordlessly for him to follow.

What an interesting day.

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