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Inside the cave, Regulus crawled towards the lake. After Kreacher had left, a sudden need, desire for water had overtaken him. It had ensnared his senses, made his helpless, until he gave in. Quickly, he took his wand and goblet from where they were lying, and scooped up water with the latter.

As soon as his senses cleared, the pain returned with increased vigour. Simultaneously, a pearly white hand emerged out of the now churning water of the lake, and grabbed Regulus's hand. Regulus gave a yell, and pulled out his wand, keen on defending himself till he drowned.

Even though his magic was weakened, he still managed to ward of quite a large number of inferi. Soon, however, an inferi pulled at the leg, for he was now standing, causing him to smack his head painfully on a protruding rock. He groaned in pain, the sickly sweet smell of his blood wafted in the air.

The inferi took advantage of his momentary lapse of concentration. They started to reel him in, and one even snapped his wand. Defenseless, Regulus now started to yell with all his might, half of his heart wanting to live, wanting to survive and the other wanting to descend into peaceful oblivion, forever.


Smith heard his friend's anguished yells, and quickly picked up his pace.

"That idiot, that stupid git," he kept on murmuring on repeat, his hair now coal black.

Teddy had quickly recognised the now boy to be his uncle, Smith, who was killed by the Shadows when they'd infiltrated the Ministry. He quickly went to Smith's side, and put a comforting arm on his shoulder.

"Your friend will be alright, yeah? We all are here to save him," Smith initially jumped at the contract, but relaxed slightly soon after, though he kept on muttering about how big of a fool Regulus was.

"Are you sure we're supposed to save him? What if it's the wrong way?" Hermione asked Harry when both the metamorphangi were quite ahead.

"Then we face the consequences," Harry said grimly, his face set. It was clear to Hermione what was running through his mind. He was not going to leave his Uncle here alone, even though they were now the same age. Harry knew that Smith was a great judge of character, and would never come to save someone who was a Death Eater.

"What if there's more to Regulus Black's story that we would ever know? It's worth a shot Mione," Harry said pleadingly, causing Hermione's solid resolve to melt.

"Fine," she sighed. "Let's save him."

They quickly entered the chamber which was already open, waiting for them, and found a hand in the middle of the lake, desperately clawing on the surface of the water.

"Reggie!" Smith cried, and made to jump into the water. Teddy held him back however, so he couldn't dive in.

"There are inferi in the lake, we have to act fast," Hermione took charge, summoning the little ghosty boat. "Harry and I will quickly go and rescue him, while you two will wait here," she pointed towards both the metamorphangi.

"I have to go," Smith insisted. "He's my friend!"

"Fine," Hermione resigned. "Harry and you go, but return quickly."

Both of them quickly boarded the boat and went towards the hand, which had now vanished. The groped around the water until Smith felt his hand hit something.

"I think he's here," Smith gasped. "Magick him out, will you. I forgot my wand."

Harry quickly levitated Regulus onto the boat. He could see that Regulus was deathly pale, just like Dumbledore was after they had secured the fake locket.

"Reggie," Smith shook his friend's shoulder. "Say something will you?"

Regulus spluttered as Harry hit him hard on his chest. "He's here," he gasped as Smith's face came into focus.

"Who?" Smith asked desperately.

"The Dark Lord. He knows."

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