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"What?" Smith asked, quite dubious. "Are you sure?"

"This was a trap Smith," Regulus rasped, his face loosing colour quite quickly. "That's why he took Kreacher here. He wants you and Krass. He looked into my mind. It's all over."

"Shut up and calm down for a minute, okay? We've reached the shore," as soon as Smith said this, their boat caressed the rocky shore.

"They're here," Regulus said, wincing a bit. "Get out, now!"

Smith opened his mouth to protest, but Regulus then quickly called out for Kreacher.

"Yes master," Kreacher said, his eyes filling up at seeing his master alive.

"Take all of them to a safe place, now," Regulus ordered, stepping out of the boat.

"What about you master?" Kreacher asked worriedly.

"I'm not leaving you alone here to deal with those Death Eaters," Smith pinched in, furious.

"I'll be right behind you. Now hurry! You're their main target Smith. I'll stay back a bit to sort everything out." Regulus leaned heavily against the wall. "Where's Krass? Is she okay?"

"She ran away master, just this morning," Kreacher said, grabbing onto Smith and Teddy's hand.

"Quick," Regulus said, peering over his shoulder.

Harry took hold of Teddy's hand, and Hermione of Smith's.

"You idiot, if you get yourself killed, I'm going to kill you," Smith threatened, trying to wrangle himself out of Kreacher's grasp.

"Kreacher, I order you to not let of of Smith, and take them all quickly to the safe house, now," Regulus ordered, his breathing strained.

Kreacher looked as if trapped in a dilemma, but quickly twisted away into nothingness.

"You are so dead," Smith yelled out before disappearing.

Soon, he heard his cousin's voice.

"Itty bitty baby Black got scared of the big bad wolf," Bellatrix cooed as she entered the cave's chamber. "Now stop playing Reggie, you're dead either way."

Regulus emerged from behind a boulder, and saw his mad cousin grin maniacally at him.

"The scared little boy ran away," Bellatrix cooed again in a mocking baby voice, cackling. "But the big bad wolf tore him up anyways.
"What did you think Regulus," her voice was now venomous and dark, all traces of jest gone. "That you would be forgiven? After that stunt you pulled at the meeting, you should've been grateful to be alive, but now, this treachery will not be tolerated. You shall die at my hand Reg, and you know how I play." Bellatrix flashed him another manic smile, and pointed her wand at him.

Regulus felt excruciating pain overcome him. This wasn't like a normal cruciatus curse, it was ten times worse. When the pain washed away, Regulus could feel his sanity dangling on a thin thread, as if waiting to snap. It felt as if one more curse, and...

"Lestrange, are you there? Is Balck there?" Antonin Dolohov's voice echoed through the cave.

"He's here Dolohov, and he's mine," Bellatrix cackled again.

"Is the mudblood there too?" Dolohov's voice sounded closer.

"No," Bellatrix spat bitterly. "By I guess cousin dearest will be suffice, won't he?"

"Hurry up Lestrange, the Dark Lord doesn't take kindly to delays. He'll murder us both if we're late," now Dolohov was visible to both. Regulus couldn't make out his face as his vision was blurred, but could see a hand coming to grab him harshly. Soon, he was being forced through the rubber tube of apparation. They stumbled into the hall of Malfoy manor. Narcissa was there, and looking at Regulus with pity and concern.

"Welcome Bella," Voldemort's booming voice appeared out of nowhere, startling both Narcissa and Regulus. "We have emptied a room for you and our...traitor."

Regulus thought he could make out his mother and father. His guess was solidified as Walburga's voice rang through the hall. "It is a shame My Lord, that my traitorous son has seemed to rub off on Regulus. While both of our sons are useless, I would like to assure you that my and my husband's allegiance will always be with you."

Orion's jaw tightened, but he said nothing.

"My Lord," Bellatrix said eagerly. "I beg of you, please let me take care of my traitorous cousin."

Voldemort considered Bellatrix's eager face, and nodded his consent. "But not here, we have much more important matters to discuss."

Bellatrix grabbed Regulus by the hair, and started to pull him into a room. Regulus dimly registered what was happening.

"Wait," Orion's strong voice cut through the fog in Regulus's brain. "I wish to talk to him My Lord. Privately"

Voldemort scrutinised him carefully, and nodded his assent.
"Wait outside, Bella. Let the father and son talk," he sneered.

Orion then pulled Regulus into a private room.

"Listen son," he said anxiously, keeping a close eye on the door. "Take this." He revealed a small necklace from his pocket. "Keep up the good work and..." Orion visibly struggled to say the next words. "Stay safe."

As soon as Regulus grasped the necklace, he felt a hook pull him near his navel. Who knew what his father had planned?

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