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"Wait a minute," Hermione interrupted. Regulus and Smith had settled down, and the locket was now lying on the table. "How are you sure we're time travellers? It seems as if you knew we were going to come." She glared at Orion.

"Of course I did," Orion said condescendingly. "I sent for you."

Now everyone's attention was on him.

"You sent for us? What does that mean?" Teddy asked.

"I've spent the last twenty years trying to bring someone from the future to defeat the Dark Lord. We don't know much about him, but you would, and he wouldn't see it coming," Orion explained. "It's probably fluke that the Chosen One appeared, but with you armed with the crucial knowledge of what will happen, the chances of succeeding heighten."

"So that was the secret experiment you never told me about? Trying to bring people from the future?" Fleamont asked.

Orion nodded. "Wait a minute," Regulus intervened. "So was it you who told Kreacher that the locket is a horcrux?"

"Of course," Orion said. "You're the only one I could trust, at that time, and I knew you also want to drag the Dark Lord down."

"You sent a child to retrieve a horcrux?" Fleamont cried outraged. His indignation was seconded by Euphemia.

"My dear Effie," Orion started. "What should I have done? Contract the Order? I never trusted Dumbledore. Tell you both to risk your lives? You're too old for such things, I am too. Regulus is young and has enough brains to escape the Dark Lord, but is he enough? In this war there are two sides, the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. The former fights for Pureblood dominance. The latter to consolidate his influence on the Wizarding World," Orion concluded.

"Dumbledore is our saviour, how can think of such a thing?" Fleamont cried, outraged.

The only people who didn't have the same reaction were Regulus, Smith, and the time travellers. Remus didn't voice his opinion, but seemed reluctant to accept Dumbledore's selfish motive.

"You remember Grindelwald, don't you?" Orion said after everyone quieted down. All present nodded. "A little bit of digging revealed that Grindelwald and Dumbledore were friends when they were young. Dumbledore believed in Pureblood supremacy along with Grindelwald. They had great plans to conquer the Wizarding society of Great Britain. But do you know why Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald?"

"To finish his reign of destruction and fear," Remus answered. "But what does this have to do with Dumbledore being selfish?"

"Dumbledore stopped supporting Grindelwald because he killed his sister Ariana. Did you see how popular Dumbledore became after the fall of Grindelwald? Everyone started to idolise him, half of the Wizengamot seats were filled by his supporters. He took up the modest role of a headmaster to sway young minds into idolising him. All the muggleborns will see him as the person who introduced them to such a magical place, where the feel as if they belong. Many Pureblood children would think of him as a saviour, for offering Hogwarts as a home. He's mindwashing everyone. He just wants the power associated with the defeat of Voldemort."

Everyone sat in silence as the absorbed his words. "I'm with you," Fleamont broke the silence. Euphemia seconded.

Sirius reluctantly nodded while James enthusiastically showed his approval. Remus however, was silent.

"Fine," he finally said. Both James and Sirius whooped.

"Okay. I'll now be assigning you teams. You'll work in them, and Fleamont, Effie and I will be telling you your duties," everyone nodded.

"I hope you don't forget me," a voice came from behind them. All stood up immediately, unsheathing their wands.

"Krass?" Regulus said.

"And me master Regulus," Kreacher came from behind her.

"Hi Kreacher, good to see you," Regulus smiled slightly.

"Settle down everyone. I'll assign groups, including you Adelaide. Quite irresponsible to leave like that, you know?" Orion reprimanded her.

She didn't reply, but sat down next to Regulus and Smith.

"Good seeing you both here."

"Teddy, Lupin and Adelaide; Harry, Potter and Sirius; Granger, Regulus and Smith; Fleamont, Effie and I will gather the intel," Orion briefed them.

The doorbell rang. "I'll check it," James said hurriedly. "I called Lilypad over, it's probably her."

"Hey Toerag," Lily greeted her boyfriend. Merlin's beard, it felt weird thinking of Potter as her boyfriend.

"Hey Lilyflower," James grinned. "A few friends are over, maybe you should come later."

"Ohh, family friends? I'd love to meet them James," Lily entered the drawing room, leaving James behind to register the fact she had just called him by his name. James. "She called me James!" he whisper-yelled.

He jumped at the sound of Lily's scream.

"Death Eaters!"

I honestly can't believe the fact that this story has crossed 20 chapters, and is about to get 300 reads!
A very BIG thank you to all the readers for sticking this far.
A huge hug and thanks for waffergrande for voting at each chapter and commenting! Gives the motivation to write on.

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