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"Reggie, are you sure you've packed everything?" Smith's frantic voice made Regulus wince.

Why in Merlin's name did he befriend him?


Regulus huffed, quite grumpy about the fact he found nothing, nothing about breaking into the Manor. He was snappish and irritable, just wanting to be left alone to wallow in despair.

"Are you even coming?"

"I'm here," Regulus snapped, quite grouchy. He had been waiting at the kitchen door for the past few seconds. "Where's everybody else?"

"Lupin and Krass's team already left, Lils and her team will be leaving with us, the adult team has already positioned themselves at the safe house, since Dumbledore had openly threatened them," Smith replied, quite oblivious to Regulus's obviously bad mood, like he always was. One of the reasons they got along so well.

"What?" Regulus grumbled. "They just left? What are we supposed to do now?"

"Go after horcruxes, I reckon. What other work do we have?" Smith said, scanning the shelves for tea leaves.

"Fine," he grumbled again. Smith placed a cup of hot tea in front of him. "Thanks," he said, trying to sound a bit nicer in spite of his horrible mood.

Just then, Lily came down the stairs, stifling a yawn.

"Hey guys," she greeted brightly. However, her face fell when she saw Smith and Regulus sitting on the kitchen platform, sipping tea. They stopped when they noticed they had company.

"Hey," Smith greeted, while Regulus just nodded. "You want a cup of tea? It's," he checked the label, "oolong, your favourite. James probably stocked the house with it."

Lily nodded awkwardly, still quite at unease. Smith looked and her and understood this was all because of the argument that had happened last summer.

"Oi Lils," Smith shouted, running across the lawn of the Evans's house. "Did you see the Daily Prophet?"

Lily came out from behind a bush, gardening hat perched on her head, gardening gloves covering her hands, seeing Smith, she quickly removed her gloves, brushed her dress free of dirt. "I didn't. What happened?"

Smith came to a stop in front of her, panting for breath. Lily waited impatiently. "What is it Ash?"

"The number of muggles dying is increasing. And guess what? Voldemort is getting closer to Cokeworth. You need to get out of here Lils. Go to Tuney, I heard she's settled down well in Australia with that Dursley. Take uncle and aunt with you," Smith answered, looking at her imploringly.

"What?" Lily was agast. "I'm not leaving all my friends alone here in Britain to fight that monster. If they fight, I'll fight with them."

"What about the rest of us then? What about aunt and uncle? What about me? What if you die Lils?" Smith asked her.

"Will you be coming?" Lily challenged him.

Smith hesitated. "No, I can't..." he trailed off.

"Then why will I leave?" Lily replied.

"Do you honestly want to get yourself killed?" Smith said in a barely controlled yell.

"James will be fighting, my friends will be fighting, you will be fighting, how can you honestly think I'll go and hide in Australia?" Now it was Lily's turn to yell.

"Fine," Smith yelled, pulling a bit ar his now black hair. "Fine, but if you change your mind, I'll be happy to help."

"I don't need your help Asher," Lily screamed, her throat hoarse. "You aren't the same cousin you were. If you ever find it in you to support me, you can say sorry."

Smith shot her a stony glare, and apparated from the scene, not before saying, "I am sorry, but I stand by what I said."

A few weeks later Camellia Evans and Adam Evans were found dead due to a 'gas pipeline explosion.'

Regulus cleared his throat, clearly unnerved by the stiff atmosphere. "Where is my buffoon of a brother?" These words broke the tension between them.

"Here little brother," the obnoxious voice of Sirius Black entered the kitchen, causing all to roll their eyes. Behind him, James entered, and then Hermione.

"Are we ready then?" Regulus focused on Hermione, not even sparing a glance towards his brother and his friend.

"Let's go."

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