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He flew down the steps, quite confused as to why Aletheia had called him. Sirius tailed after him, not wanting to miss the drama.

"Merlin's beard, Aoife! You really need to patch that up," they heard Aletheia say, but not without concern.

"I'm fine, Theia," the distinctly heard Aoife reply. "I'll stitch it up in no time."

"Regulus Black, where are you!" They heard Aletheia yell.

"Coming!" he yelled in response. Why did the Manor need to be so bloody big?

"It's fine, Theia, honestly. I've done this before."

"Are you bleedin' kidding me?  I'm not going to let you stitch yourself together."

"Theia ..."

By this time both the brothers had reached the bickering pair.  Regulus's heart almost dropped out of his chest. Aoife was leaning on the Sycamore tree, her denim jacket soaked red. Regulus's owl hooted dolefully.

"Bloody hell," Sirius skidded to a stop behind him. "What the - you're bleeding."

"I'll fix it," Regulus pulled out his wand. Aoife shut him down immediately.

"There's no need, Reg. I can take care of it myself."

"You're going to bleed out, Fia! Sirius, Theia, help me," he looked imploringly at his brother and Aoife's aunt.

"I've been telling her that the last few minutes!" Aletheia pulled at her hair a bit. "If she doesn't agree now, I'm going to do it anyway."

"Come on, Fifa," Sirius said anxiously.  "You don't want to bleed out and die, do you?"

"I can take care of myself, thanks," she snapped.

Aletheia huffed. "You've left me with no choice, Aoife. You'll thank me later." With this she quickly snapped her fingers, and golden dust covered Aoife's wound. In a few seconds, the bleeding receded. Aoife was quite furious, to Regulus's confusion. Sirius had a sudden realisation then and there. It couldn't be, but ...

"How'd you get it, anyway?" Aletheia asked.

Aoife looked like she wants to say something, but checked herself. There's no need to explode for such a small thing. She exhaled heavily. "I fell. Off a hill. Accidentally."

"You fell?" Regulus said, looking incredulous.

"I think you're not telling the entire truth, Aoife," Sirius said gravely. "It's your little shit of an uncle, right?"

"Donaldson? You were living with that wanker?" Now Aletheia looked furious.

"Well, grandma Ingrid sent me there because he lives close to Edinburgh. Grandma live miles away from any type of school," Aoife shrugged nonchalantly.

"The wound?" Aletheia's eyes narrowed.

"I did fall. From a hill."

"And?" This was Sirius. Regulus was standing quietly, a calculated look on his face. Probably deciding the best way to kill this man.

"We had a little argument. He got angry and pushed me. I fell and cut myself on a rock. No big deal," she shrugged, trying to escape back to the Mansion.

"Bullshit. It's not a no big deal, Aoife," Aletheia said. "And don't tell me you stitched yourself up."

"Of course not. McGonagall did."

"Minerva? What was she doing there?"

"No, not Minerva. Malcom McGonagall. He's in charge of the chapel and stuff."

INFERI (REGULUS BLACK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora