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"Careful," Sirius mumbled, wincing when Regulus eased him on the bed. The pillow was still under the bed, and he rushed to pick it and prop Sirius up.

He removed his wand, his hand steady even though he felt his whole body shaking. On default, he began to cast healing charms, just like he did every time something like this happened. Regulus watched his brother's skin stitch together, his mind eerily blank. There was only one thing he knew: Sirius couldn't stay here, especially not after what happened.

"Get up," Regulus said brusquely. He'd made up his mind. Sirius just looked at him, bewildered. A bit slow on the uptake, probably due to the blood loss he'd sustained.

"You're going to Potter's," he barely concealed his sneer at the name. This wasn't the time for pettiness. "Take whatever you want. I'll get Kreacher to —,"

"Not the damn house-elf," Sirius growled, hoisting himself off the bed with some difficulty. "Im not going to let that excuse of an elf rat us out. I'll pack my bag; you pack yours. We meet in ten. And none of your posh rubbish." He limped out of the room, only to stop at the doorframe when he heard Regulus's answer.

"I'm not coming."

Sirius spun on his heel, staggering a bit, looking at his brother incredulously. "Have you gone mental? Expecting me to leave you behind? You're my brother, Reg, whether you like it or not."

A painful knot nestled itself in his throat. Regulus wanted to leave, he really did, but the consequences were to dire. With both the heirs gone, their parents would fight tooth and nail to get atleast one of them back. Even if it meant killing the Potters, or even his brother. He might hate James Potter and his cronies, but wasn't heartless enough to let them die.  Besides, he had a responsibility to fulfil as the remaining heir of the Black family; he couldn't run away from it, no matter how much he wanted to. Sirius had friends to support him, he had no one.

If he said this, Sirius would adamantly refuse to leave him, and drag Regulus away with himself. There was only one way to make him leave.

"Brother?" Regulus sneered, his voice icy. Sirius's face turned wooden, his hand clenching the doorknob. "You really think I care about you? It's better if you leave. Mother's right, you're just a disgrace. We're better without you."

Sirius looked positively enraged. "You little ... always snivelling at Mummy's skirts, aren't you? Acting like their goddamn parrot. Hell, I don't even care if you end up where I am right now. You'd happily get the mark, wouldn't you? Anything to please that bitch. Don't try to defend yourself, I've seen you fawn over Voldemort," he gestured at Regulus's wall, where various newspaper clippings were stuck. "Pathetic."

The words were cutting, but nothing he hadn't heard before. From his brother, from bloody Potter and his minions. Regulus'd gotten used to such scathing remarks. Anonymous notes found him at Hogwarts, with words more destructive, and he really believed them. He knew he was nothing but a pawn, and he'd resigned himself to his fate.

Regulus turned his nose up at his brother, his eyes hard. "At least I don't end up battered and bruised under Mother's shoe. Get out of the house, Sirius. No one needs you here; you're just a waste of space. Nobody loves you."


In hindsight, he should've known what would happen. Maybe he did, deep in his brain, but chose to ignore the repercussions. One well-placed punch, and blood spurted out of his nose. It was painful, no doubt, and his nose throbbed in time with his heartbeat (the heart many believed he didn't have). Sirius had his wand pointed between Regulus's eyes, an animalistic look of rage on his face.

"Don't  you  dare," he gritted through his teeth. Both the brothers where locked in stalemate, their eyes never wavering from the others. Hard, cold eyes against fiery, furious ones. Both pairs the same shade of grey. Taking a deep shuddering breath, Sirius pocketed his wand, and swept out of the room, slamming the door on his way out. Regulus stood still, staring blankly at his door.

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