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"Hey Reg, what was that? Why're you so tense? Did something happen —," Sirius's voice died on its own accord when Regulus gave him a cold glare. Whatever had happened was bad, and Regulus seemed like he did not want to talk about it.

"How are we going to get to France? Why do we need to go to France? I've always hated that country," Sirius said, trying to change the topic.

"Portkey," he received a curt answer.

They walked in uncomfortable silence, the gawking muggles didn't help much. Regulus kept glowering at all those who stared at him.

"Here," Regulus abruptly stopped in front of a garbage bin. Pointing his wand at it, he summoned a plastic bottle. "Portus."

"Here," he held out the bottle for Sirius. As soon as he touched it, they felt the familiar pull of the Portkey, whisking them away to France.

The muggles kept gaping at the place they disappeared.

"Bloody hell, they're gone! That funny looking bloke and that punk boy!"


With a sudden jolt Sirius found himself in a deserted alley. Regulus landed next to him, stumbling slightly.

"Now you need to tell me," Sirius crossed his arms.

"Later," Regulus replied tersely. "We need to eat, and I need to change out of my robes. It's too hot."

He inconspicuously slipped out of the alley, warning Sirius not to come out, and came back 15 minutes later dressed like a normal muggle, only to find a black dog instead of his brother.

"Where did he go?" Regulus groaned, trying to shoo away the dog who kept trying to nuzzle his legs. He'd always been a bit frightened of dogs. "Shoo, you pesky dog. Find someone else to disturb."

The dog payed no heed, and tried to lick his hands. Regulus jumped as if electrocuted. Quickly scrambling away, he pulled out his wand. "Look here, you furry demon, if you don't back off, I'll freeze you."

The dog slowly advanced towards him, causing him to hastily back off. "You, you stay there. Sit. Good boy, sit down." When the dog didn't comply, and started to run towards him, Regulus gave a high-pitched shriek, running out of the alley.

Sirius transformed into his human form again, and ran after his brother, laughing.
"It was me Reggie," Sirius called out, causing him to stop.

"You're an animagus?" Regulus asked, quite surprised and slightly awed.

"Yeah," he puffed his chest proudly. "I'm a dog."

Regulus snorted. "What's so special about turning into a fleabag whenever you want."

Sirius made a wounded noise. "You hurt me Reg."

He rolled his eye. "Let's eat here," he pointed to a crowded café. "I'll tell you the specifics too."

"What about that thing between you and Shafiq?" Sirius asked.

Regulus stiffened a bit. "I'll tell you when the time comes," he said crisply, and made towards the shop. Sirius tailed him.

French music was blasting from a few speakers, and the jabbering of customers added to the din. Many girls stared at them; Sirius responding with flirtatious winks while Regulus kept a straight face and ignored them. Quickly seizing an empty table, he seated himself and turned to face Sirius.

A waitress strutted towards them. "What can I get you gentlemen?" she asked, a hint of her accent showing.

"Two coffees please," Sirius smirked at her, "and your best."

"Sure sir," she answered, trying keeping a straight face. Regulus saw her lips twitch at his brother's attempt at flirting. "Anything else."

"No, thank you," Regulus intervened before Sirius could say a word.

The waitress glided away.

"Spit it out," Sirius stared at his brother.

"Well —," Regulus started, but was cut off by a high pitched scream. The waitress who had taken their order was currently being strangled by a cloaked figure.

The Quirods. Both the brothers pulled out their wands and ran into the pandemonium.

INFERI (REGULUS BLACK)Where stories live. Discover now