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Sirius honestly didn't know what he was thinking. How could he follow Regulus? At the dead of night, he'd seen his brother creep out of the back door. Sirius had tried to follow him, but Regulus had apparated to Merlin knows where.

Frustrated, Sirius kicked a nearby tree. A witch apparated next to him. He jumped.

"Who are you?" He growled, his wand at ready. "Speak, or else you'll turn into a mosquito net."

The witch laughed. Sirius recognised it. "You're Orion's friend right? That witch who met us at that dodgy pub?"

"You are correct Sirius," the witch lowered her hood. This time, she looked like she was in her late 30's, her ebony hair twisted into an elegant bun. Her brown eyes gleamed in the darkness. "I know what you're going to do. Orion may act all high and mighty, but your brother needs you. Diagon Alley," with that, she disapparated as suddenly as she came.

"Wait!" Sirius yelled, "what's your name?" But she was long gone.


Regulus grimaced as he walked down the cobbled street of Diagon Alley. Many muggleborn witches and wizards were begging on the streets. The Death Eaters had left them nothing.

Regulus pulled his hood down. He'd have to hurry if he didn't want to bump into any Death Eaters. All he needed were a few supplies. And a new wand, the one he'd taken from the Potter's Manor was not suiting him. And a quick stop at Florish and Blotts.

As he approached Ollivander's, a sudden tap startled him. He quickly pulled out his mediocre wand, and turned to face his assailant — well, would-be assailant.

It was Sirius.

"Hey brother," he grinned sheepishly. "Though you might want some company."

"You thought wrong," Regulus huffed, irritated.

"Come on Reg," he grinned again. "Now I'm here, aren't I? You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not."

"Fine," Regulus said, quite peeved. "Don't draw attention, okay? I need a wand. Stay here."

Sirius nodded, looking like an agreeable puppy.

Regulus walked inside Ollivander's, ringing the bell tentatively. "Hello? Anybody here?"

"Good to see you Mr Black," Ollivander appeared from out of nowhere, startling Regulus.

"How —," Regulus was at loss for words.

"There are many secrets in the world Mr Black, your identity isn't one of them. I'm sure half of the passerby recognised you," Ollivander positioned himself behind the counter. "Perhaps you are in need of a new wand?"

"Not a new one. I'd like my old one," Regulus said, discomfited.

"I recall it was hawthorne and unicorn hair, 12 1/2 inches, quite flexible. Are you sure you want to try it again? The wand chooses the wizard Mr Black," Ollivander warned.

"I'm quite sure," he said firmly.

Ollivander sighed, and went to retrieve it. Soon he came back. "Hawthorne and unicorn hair, 12 1/2 inches, quite flexible. Give it a wave." Regulus waved it, and the shop caught fire.

Ollivander quickly put it out. "It seems as if you've changed Mr Black. You're not the same boy who stepped into my shop 16 years ago. I think I have a wand for you. It sparked as soon as you stepped in."

"How is this possible?" Regulus asked slowly. "I have been using that same wand for the last 16 years."

"Mr Black, you don't remain the same person you were when you were 11. Many times a wand combusts when it believes it is not compatible anymore. To evolve, we need to change." Ollivander goes into his shop to retrieve a box.

"Here it is. Vine and dragon heartstring, 13 inches, quite brittle. Give it a wave." As soon as Regulus held it however, an incredible explosion of fireworks lighted the room.

"Quite interesting," Ollivander muttered as he placed the wand back in its box. "You know Mr Black, I think we can expect great things from you. Your purchase."

Regulus handed 7 galleons to Ollivander's and walked about, discombobulated. What did he mean?

"Hey Reg," Sirius smiled grimly when he arrived. "I think your friends found us."

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