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"Father?" Sirius jumped up, looking uneasy.

Orion was unharmed, except for a scratch down his temple. It seemed shallow, as there was no blood.

"What are you doing here?" Fleamont demanded, scrutinising him carefully. "How do we know you're Orion? You could be a Death Eater under the influence of Polyjuice potion."

"You made me ask out Euphemia for a date with you, made a Polyjuice potion for it," Orion answered, smiling slightly.

Sirius was dumbstruck. His father smiled? How?

Fleamont blushed crimson, while Euphemia glowered at him. "That's why you were so...un-Fleamont like that day. You didn't even embarrass yourself once."

James was, well, not sure how to feel. All he knew about Orion Black was what Sirius had told him, and none of that was much encouraging. All Sirius had said was that Orion never spoke much, and it didn't even appear as if he lived in that house. But one point in his favour was that he had never laid a wand on Sirius. Not even a hand.

Remus had only one thought. How did they become friends? Both of them were an unlikely pair. How did the even meet?

"Uh, so you're Orion. That's confirmed. How are you alive?" Fleamont asked bluntly.

"A stunner and a full body bind. They thought I'd grown old," he scoffed. "Idiots.
"How is he?"

"Effie tended to him," Fleamont smiled fondly at her.

Orion nodded, quite relieved.

The sound of a vase breaking alerted them.

"Sounds like it was on the first floor," Orion led them. "Let's go."

They thundered up the stairs and found a shattered vase on the landing, along with a boy who looked very much like James.

"When did you put a mirror here mum," James asked, glaring at the boy.

Orion had his wand out in a second, followed by Euphemia and Fleamont. "Who are you?"

The boy also pulled out his wand.  "Who are you?" He asked, eyeing Orion suspiciously.

"That's something I'll also like to know," a strained voice came from behind. There stood Regulus, still quite pale, with his wand pointed at the boy. "All I know about him is that he just showed up at the cave. He might be the Dark Lord's spy."

"I'm not," the boy insisted.

"He's not," another voice came from behind the boy. Smith slid out, smiling at Regulus.

"Oh come on!" Orion and Sirius said at the same time, exasperated. "This is a manor, not Hogsmeade."

"Harry, I think you should explain," Hermione also emerged out of a side door.

"Merlin's beard, how many are there?" Remus and Regulus cried in unison.

"I you all do not start explaining in the next few seconds, I swear we'll attack," Orion threatened.

Another loud crash sounded, and a boy with bright turquoise hair also made an entrance.

"Blimey, there's more?" This time it was Sirius.

"Wait a minute," the new appearance said. "Is that Remus Lupin?" He stared at the werewolf.

"Explain yourself, then you'll get any," Fleamont stepped forward. "Spit it out, quickly."

"We're time travellers," Hermione pinched in bluntly.

"Are you kidding me?" Regulus asked hoarsely.

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