#2-Wanderings with the Werewolves

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"You know Reg, I like Muggle London better," Sirius kept on eating his brother's ear off, jabbering away about how he and James had once stolen a motorcycle. "You get these incredible motorcycles, they're way better than brooms. Faster than the new Comet that just came out!"

Regulus rolled his eyes, suppressing a scathing remark. If his brother wanted to survive this trip, he'd need to shut up at times, or else Regulus might just end up hexing him.

"Hey Reg, how'd you meet this 'acquaintance' of yours," Sirius asked, eyes zeroed on him.

"Common family circle," he shifted uncomfortably. "He now lives here. We'll be leaving for France in a few days. Father sent a message. I'll tell you when we reach. And remember," he added, stopping abruptly to stare into Sirius's eyes, "you won't be giving his any hints or clues about or business, relationship and whatnot. I don't want him to get any dirt on me."

"Slytherins," Sirius scoffed, but nodded nevertheless. "What is it with you lot blackmailing each other?" he asked once they started walking again.

"When you have to live in such a hostile environment for 7 years, you need to make sure news of your 'exploits' doesn't reach your parents. It's good to have dirt on other pure-bloods, who might report you. That's why I had such a peaceful time at Hogwarts."

"Oh," was all Sirius could muster. "Anyways," he added, marshalling his thoughts, "who is this 'acquaintance' of yours? It's getting tough calling him 'your acquaintance' every time."

"Shafiq," was all he received as an answer.

They walked for a few metres in absolute silence. A few people were staring at Regulus's robes, but the rest passed without giving him a second glance. Suddenly Regulus stopped. "Something's not right," he whispered, more to himself.

"Hey Reg, what's wrong-," Sirius was cut off by a bang. Regulus turned on his heel, his wand at ready, and quickly shot a spell. Sirius ducked to avoid it. Someone groaned.

"Quick, into the back alley," Regulus commanded, shoving his brother.

"No," Sirius resisted. "You fight, I fight."

"Will you stop with your Gryffindor courage?" Regulus snapped, firing a few more curses. "If you don't go, you'll die." Just then, a killing curse missed him by inches.

"Then you'll die too, Reg. I can't just leave my brother to die," Sirius swore he saw Regulus's eyes soften, but just then, a spell hit him. He was thrown onto the brick wall behind him, immobile.

Sirius turned to face their assailant, his eyes blazing. The few Muggles who were there had started to run away, terrified of being caught in the middle of their fight.

"Who are you?" Sirius roared at the hooded figure. "If you've got guts, show your face!"

He figure huffed inaudibly, firing curses at Sirius. He dodged them, shooting a few back.

The figure easily dodged them, laughing. "Your brother's a better dueller. Who'd you learn from, Dumbledore?" It laughed at its own joke.

Sirius gritted his teeth. Suddenly a spell flew by his ear, hitting the figure right in the chest. It vanished it a puff of smoke.

"Reg?" Sirius turned around, only to find his brother still lying there, and a tall, handsome wizard with golden skin, black hair admittedly better than Sirius (though he wouldn't admit it out loud) standing behind him, his wand raised. "Such a shame," he shook his head in disgust, "I never thought anyone could sink to such a level."

The stranger moved towards Regulus, and an overprotective instinct overpowered Sirius. "Hey, who are you? Get away from my brother!"

The wizard stopped, turned to face Sirius, his head cocked. "I'm sure Black here has told you about me. After all, you are my house guests for a few days."

"So you're Shafiq," Sirius said. "He did tell me about you. But how do I prove it's you? You could be trying do do us in, for all I know."

Shafiq sighed. "Regulus has a scar on his shoulder."

"Wait," Sirius's eyes widened. "How do you know?"

"I'm sure Regulus told you we're just 'acquainted', but we go way back," he shrugged. "He's like my brother."

Sirius stiffened a bit at this. "Let's move, shall we?" he said crisply.

"We need to wake his first," he jerked his head towards Regulus. "What colour was the curse?"

"Mint green, or something like that. It all happened so fast..." he shook his head. "He'll live right?"

"Of course," Shafiq answered, heaving a sigh of relief. "He'll be out for a few hours, but no lasting harm's been done. Best shift him to the house."

One levitation charm later, they were ambling down the alley. "How do you know Reg? I asked him, but he just said you both had a common family circle," Sirius broke the silence.

Shafiq scoffed. "We don't have the same family circle. I'm part of the Sacred 28, but recently we've been ousted because we don't support that git's beliefs. Reg and I met at Hogwarts. I was a Ravenclaw," he stated a bit proudly.

"Hmm. But how do you know about that scar? I saw it during a Quidditch match."

"You might've seen it because his robe slipped, but Regulus showed it to me himself. Told the story behind it too."

Sirius was tempted to ask about it, but one look from Shafiq told him that now was not the time.

"Are you older than Reg?"

He nodded affirmative. "3 years. We met in the library. He was a posh old snob back in his first year."

Sirius chuckled. "In from here," Shafiq gestured towards a wall.

"Are you sure?" Sirius eyed the wall apprehensively.

"It's just like platform 9 and 3/4. Run at it and you'll reach my home."

Sirius ran at it.

"Wow," he gasped as he took in the interior. It was quite spartan, but there was this feeling of majestic, something overwhelming, clouding the room. When Shafiq came back - for he had gone to place Regulus in a bed - he understood what that was. The place oozed magic.

"Like my house? It's nothing much but..." he gestured towards the sofa.

"Did you make this out of magic? The whole place is full of it," Sirius asked.

"Not exactly," Shafiq looked a bit uncomfortable. "I'm an inventor. Magical inventor."

"Oh," Sirius looked around the room. "What was that weird hooded thing anyway?"

"That," he said, looking grave, "was that git's new puppet."

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