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A 16 year old Regulus Black stood in front of Voldemort, the Dark Lord, He Who Must Not Be Named. He was quivering in his boots, but kept his mind closed, lest the Dark Lord should see his thoughts and memories.

Shit, I'm so fucked, was the only thing running through his mind as he faced his worst fear, his nightmare.

"I'm honoured to see such pure, such young men amongst my ranks," Voldemort's voice echoed through the room, causing Regulus's insides to roll. "And such a man stands in front of me," his red eyes survey Regulus with animalistic greed.

Regulus almost scoffed. At sixteen, only this fool could call him a man. His face may have betrayed his feelings though, as his mother had just shot him a sharp look.

Voldemort caught onto that, and gave a mirth less laugh. "Let the boy voice his opinions Walburga," Walburga flinched at the cold and merciless voice. "I too want to hear what's on his mind."

Now all eyes were on Regulus, while he internally cursed himself. "I'd say you're right My Lord," Regulus lied through his teeth, is words like honey. "This world needs getting rid of muggle and mug-mudblood filth," he chided himself for this slip-up, and hoped against hope that no-one had picked up on it. Unfortunately, Voldemort did.
"Bellatrix," he called in his high, cold voice. "Fetch the filth."

His cousin Bellatrix obeyed with all the enthusiasm of a young dog. "Yes My Lord."

Bellatrix soon entered with an old man, whose body was racked with coughs. Regulus's stomach churned, knowing that he would be asked to do something unforgivable. The man was flung in front of Regulus, and his grey eyes met the victim's green ones. Just like Smith's, was what he observed. Just looking into those eyes caused Regulus immense pain, and he didn't think he could do what these cold hearted people wanted to do.

"Kill him," was the order issued to Regulus, by none other than the Dark Lord.

Regulus dithered, but raised his wand nevertheless. "Avada...." but he couldn't continue. He wouldn't. Those green eyes looked at him pleadingly.

"Crucio!" This spell was directed at Regulus, who yelled in anguish, and kept on yelling till his throat was raw. When the spell lifted, Regulus found himself lying flat on the ground, his breaths shuddering. His head turned towards the old man, who was looking at him in fear, sympathy and understanding.
His eyes showed his inner turmoil.

What should I do, he thought. Give up my life or let this young boy be tortured so mercilessly?

"Get up Regulus," came the cold voice of Walburga. "Kill this scum, or suffer my wrath."

"Yes mother," the boy gritted through his teeth.

Augustus, the old man, was enraged. How could a mother treat her own flesh and blood like this?

The boy stood up, his limbs shaking, and he held up the magical stick, aimed towards him.

The boy's eyes showed his fear, his reluctance to take his life. As the boy dithered, the same curse hit him from behind. The yells of the boy filled the room, as he writhed on the floor. Augustus was enraged at this madness.
When the boy stood up again, the old man mouthed, kill me son.

Regulus was appalled. Who would want to willingly die?

He looked again into those emerald eyes, so much like Smith's. His eyes then trailed over him, stopping at the old man's neck. He froze. Smith's necklace.

  "Hey," Regulus asked, as he and Smith sat together in the Room of Requirement. "What's that necklace?"

   Smith smiled at it, and chuckled at the inquisitive look on Regulus's face. "it's a present from my granddad. He has one just like it. He made it himself for my birthday. He's the only one in my family who loves me, besides my grandma. I don't think I'll be able to live without him."

No, he mouthed back, moving his lips negligibly. He quickly waved his wand, causing a large invisible barrier to obstruct the death eaters and their spells.

"Run!" Regulus yelled, using all his willpower to keep the shield in place. If looks could kill, he would've been 6 feet under. He will be soon anyways, due to the stunt he pulled.

The old man was dumbstruck, but ran away, a grateful look in his eyes. As soon as he was out, Regulus lowered his wand and let out a relieved sigh.

"We'll deal with him My Lord," Walburga's furious voice cut through the deafening silence.

"No," the high cold voice of Voldemort interrupted. "I shall see to it myself. Everyone out, except Regulus Black."

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