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"I just had a brilliant idea," Sirius spoke up abruptly. They were currently taking refuge in an isolated vacation house, which probably belonged to some very rich people. They'd even kept their fridge stocked in the middle of December.

Currently they were lounging in the comfortably furnished drawing room, with a fire crackling merrily. Sirius was sprawled on one of the maroon sofa, while Aoife and Regulus sat side-by-side, reading the Daily Prophet. She was quite awed by the moving photographs. Belladonna sat upright on a plush armchair, while the other two Quirods kept watch. The walls were decorated with garish maroon tapestries. The entire room was decorated in that fiery colour, causing Sirius to boast about something called 'Gryffindor pride' while Regulus scowled.

"What?" Regulus sighed, turning to face his brother. Aoife watched him inquisitively.

"You know the scroll we'd set out to find?" Sirius waited for Regulus's nod. "Maybe that will give us some clue about what we have to do next."

"Brilliant idea Sirius," Regulus drawled, stretching a bit. "Just one problem. We've lost it it."

"That's not exactly a problem, is it?" Sirius said cheerfully, his spirit un-dampened by his brother's gloomy mood. "I'm sure Belladonna and the others can find it."

The woman in question inclined her head slightly before saying: "I'm sure we can. What was the name of the shop?"

"Shadowick and Purge. It's a dusty bottle with a scroll. You'll find traces of magic on it," Regulus said.

Belladonna nodded and exited the room, no doubt going to brief the others about this scroll. Sirius stretched ostentatiously and proclaimed himself tired. Then he trampled up the stairs to reach his temporary bedroom for a 'quick kip' as he put it.

"So," Aoife started, "you're from Britain?"

"Well, yes. How did you know?" Regulus asked awkwardly. He'd never felt this way before. It was probably the lack of sleep catching up to him.

"Your accent. British people have quite a distinctive accent," Aoife answered, sipping a mug full of tea. From where it'd come, he had no idea.

"Sirius made it for me," she said suddenly as of she'd read his thoughts. "It was too hot, so I let it cool."

"You like your tea cold then?"

"I do, actually. And am I right to think you like yours hot?"

Regulus chuckled a bit. "You are." After a moment's pause. "You don't sound Scottish. Are you from somewhere else?"

"I am from the UK if that's what you mean," she smiled wryly. "My mum's Irish and my dad was Scottish. I've lived in Scotland since I was 15."

"And now you are?"

"20. I've lived in Ireland with my mum and my grandma till I was 7, and then my mum remarried a British bloke, and I spent 8 years living in London before moving in with my uncle. My accent is just a big hodgepodge now. Sirius is your brother, right?"

Regulus nodded. The room felt quite hot all of a sudden.

"Did something happen? I mean," she said hesitantly, "you don't seem friendly. Almost hostile towards each other."

"Brotherly spat," Regulus said bitterly. "That's what happens when your brother leaves you alone after he runs away from the hell-hole you call home."

Aoife sat stunned. She hadn't expected this to get so personal.

“But I'm over it, really. It was all for the best,” Regulus added.

“It doesn't seem like it," Aoife said quietly, afraid of crossing any limits. "The wound has healed, but the scar is still there. It would be better to talk it out, you know, instead of stewing over it and resenting your brother."

"How can you say that. You don't even know me," Regulus answered, his voice filled with quiet fury. "You don't know how I felt when Sirius left. How much I ..."

"I might not know about your world," she said, "but I do know how abandonment feels like. And it's better to make it up while you've still got a chance."

With that she quietly left.

Regulus sat alone, pondering about the Muggle girl whose words resonated with him, not matter how much he tried to deny it. He knew if Adelaide was here, she would've said the same thing. Adelaide. If she was here, none of this would've happened. She would've smoothened it all out and knocked some sense into him.

Sirius sat on his temporary bedroom floor, pondering the same thing as his brother. When should he put Lenora's advice in action? Pulling out the two-way mirror, he was half in mind to ask James, when Aoife accidentally fell through his door.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she apologised profusely, somehow saving herself from face-planting on the carpet. "I didn't know the door was unlocked. I was just leaning on it and then ..."

"It's alright Aoife," Sirius reassured her. "Sit with me a bit, will you? I feel down today."

Aoife obliged, and gingerly placed herself on the bed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

That's what Adelaide would've said if she was here, Regulus thought, staring out of the window. A black speck was making its way towards them. Realising it's an owl, Regulus quickly flung open the window, ushering the owl inside. Removing the letter from its beak, he quickly recognised the penmanship. It was from Adelaide. Saying a quick thank you to Merlin and his luck for such great timing, he unfurled the letter.

Dearest Reggie,

It's been so long! This horcrux hunting is a nightmare, honestly. We've found one, but I won't into explicit details because this letter (sadly) can be read by anyone else wishing to do so. Asher's a darling, and said he's ready to wait till this all is over for the wedding!

Regulus smiled, happy that his favourite cousin was happy. Quickly skipping 2 pages which included quite a lot of details about Adelaide's love life, he resumed reading.

James and Lily are quite nice, and their son Harry, who is right now about their age, is a dear. Lupin and Teddy are brilliant, and I'm sure we'll be able to round them all up before your mission is complete.

I do hope you and Sirius are getting on alright. Maybe it's a sign that you two should start anew. I know you aren't going to swallow your pride and whatnot to say something, but as the Muggles say it, cross the bridge before it burns, or something like that.

Write back soon, I'm waiting!

Your favourite cousin,

With a sudden burst of confidence Regulus decided to confront is brother. Not today, but tomorrow. Right now he needed to sleep, it was almost midnight.

Passing his brother's room, he heard Aoife's voice. His interest piqued, he skulked in front of the door with his ear pressed against it, hoping no-one found him that way.

"She is right, Sirius," he heard Aoife say. "You need to clear it all out."

"He hates me," Regulus was surprised to hear his brother's voice break, sadness clear in each word. "I don't blame him, though. Till now I've always hated him for becoming just how mother and father wanted, but after learning the truth, I just can't face him. I'm a coward."

"It's better late than never Sirius," Aoife said softly. Regulus had to strain his ear. "I shouldn't interfere, but I would love to see two brothers unite again. You just tell me what to do, I'll help you."

"Thanks Fee," Sirius sniffed. Aoife didn't say anything about the nickname. Instead she said, "that's what friends are for. If you want to be friends, I mean..." she said quickly.

"Of course Fee," Sirius laughed. He sounded happier. "Meet me tomorrow. We have some planning to do."

At night when Regulus was staring at the roof, something strange happened. A small flower of hope blossomed in his heart. It told him that soon, everything would be alright. He'd have a happy family, even if there was only a few sane members left. No matter how much he tried to tamp it down, it sprung up again. He had some thanking to do tomorrow.


Almost 50 chapters!

Happy Diwali to all my lovely readers!

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