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"Wait," Regulus said suddenly. "We've got to find the locket too, right?"

All nodded.

Hermione exclaimed, "oh! I get it. We should split up. You're right."

"Granger, you and Sirius can collect the locket. Me, Len and Smith will handle the diary."

"No way!" Hermione protested. She was seconded by Lenora. "You and Sirius are brothers, it'll be easier to blend in."

"How does that make sense?" Regulus asked, exasperated. "It's better to have a metamorphangus on our team. That's logical. What you've just said is utter nonsense."

"No buts. I'm helping you, and I'm you ticket for getting inside the Manor. Trust me when I say only Purebloods are allowed inside the ward. Does the turquoise lad fit in this criterion?" Lenora asked.

"Well...no," Regulus replied reluctantly.

"Does Granger fit in the criterion?"

"No..." This time, he seemed more reluctant.

"Then they should go together." Lenora said this in such a firm tone such that no-one could think of any contradictions.

"Where to?" Smith asked, just to break the silence.

"Little Hangleton," Hermione replied. "Don't worry, we'll leave tomorrow."

Regulus opened his mouth to say something, but a sharp glare from Hermione shut him up.

"Fine," Lenora exclaimed. "Now off to bed. Upstairs. Quick turquoise lad."


The next morning, Regulus woke up at 5 in the morning.

"Oh Merlin," he groaned. "Why..."
His complaint was cut off when he saw something peculiar. The air in front of him was rippling, not something you see everyday.

"Regulus?" A voice came through it. A blur of colours was was visible inside the portal, twisting and slithering.

Orion Black's face materialised in it.

"Regulus? You there?"

"Yes,"he replied awkwardly. It's not everyday you talk to someone through a portal at 5 in the morning.

"We found something bad...very bad. Lupin's team reported this. I fear it concerns you," Orion's voice came, the image blurring again.

"What is it?"

"Did you find the horcruxes?" Orion asked.

"Granger and Smith are leaving for Little Hangleton tomorrow to retrieve the locket. We're waiting for Cissa's wedding to enter the Manor and get our hands on the diary."

"The wedding's in 2 days," Orion appeared to be in deep thought. His face came in focus again. Regulus saw how tense he was. It must've been something horrible and dangerous to get him so worried. "That's fine. You come back as soon as you retrieve the diary. Bring no-one else with you. Not even Smith," he said sternly.

Regulus was quite baffled, but he complied and just nodded quietly. The portal disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.

Regulus recoiled harshly, almost falling off the bed.

A dark figure was in front of him.

"What in the name of-" he murmured, reaching for his wand.

The dark figure blew something towards him. It hit his face, like sand.

A cool mist settled over his mind.

It was as if Regulus was in a daze. A sudden urge to sleep overcame him. He collapsed on his bed into deep sleep.

A menacing chuckle reverberated through the room.

INFERI (REGULUS BLACK)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن