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"Don't leave me! I don't think I'll make it without you!" Regulus rolled his eyes at the sight of James and Sirus, clutching to each other as if they'd never meet.

"I know Padfoot, you won't be able to live without my irresistable looks!" James cried out, sobbing melodramatically on Sirius's shoulder.

"Does it even make sense? How does it even make sense?" Regulus asked Smith in a whisper, clearly amused and disgusted at such display of idiocy.

"Dunno, probably makes sense to them," Smith replied. "But if we were placed in different teams, you would've been sobbing on my shoulder."

"Would not," Regulus replied, sticking his nose in the air.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he shrugged, and watched with amusement the two marauders sobbing on each others shoulder.

"Never forget me Prongsie! Even if I forget you!" Sirius yelled on the top of his lungs.

Regulus rolled his eyes irritably.
"Will you fools stop?"

It seemed as if his plea fell on deaf ears. Both James and Sirius kept on hollering at the top of their lungs about how they'll remember each other, and how Prongs would have to tell little Prongslet, named Harry Potter, about the exploits of his Godfather Sirius. (Regulus really pitied the poor bloke. He would personally commit homicide if anyone started telling him stories of his brother.)

They finally stopped when Lily Evans came and hit them both with a silencing charm.

"Finally, some peace," Regulus muttered under her breath. James made a few overdramatic gestures to show his wounded heart, his mouth moving continuously, while no sound came out. Sirius had all but thrown himself onto Lily's feet, probably trying to convince her to reverse the charm.

"If you stop behaving like idiots, I'll reverse the charm," Lily said sternly, looking a bit like McGonagall.

James and Sirius abruptly stopped the overdramatic actions, standing as stiff and alert as soldiers. Lily sighed, waving her wand the remove the charm.

"Finally!" James gasped. "I'm free! How could you do this to me Lilyflower, how?"

"Evans!" Sirius said, clearly offended. "Would you not allow me to bid my best mate goodbye?"

"As long as you don't behave like a babbling bumbling band of baboons," Lily said, glaring at both the boys, though a slight smile found itself onto her lips.

"What did she say?" James asked Sirius.

"Dunno, but she looked extraordinarily like Minnie, better not push it," Sirius muttered back.

Lily gave an exasperated huff, probably cursing herself for associating with these boys. Just then, Hermione and Harry appeared. Apparently, they had already talked about what to do.

"Don't forget Harry, there's a bigger problem on hand," they heard Hermione tell Harry anxiously.

Harry nodded, looking as if she'd told the same thing to her 1 too many times.

"I remember Mione. It's hard to forget them."

Lily had dashed off the retrieve her rucksack, and James and Sirius had resumed their melodramatics.

"What is going on here?" Hermione hissed, her wand out threateningly.

"Why hello Kitten," Sirius grinned. "So good seeing you. You look wonderful as always." He shot Hermione a flirtatious wink.

James sniggered in the background.

"If you ever call me Kitten again I swear," Hermione started, but was cut of by Harry. "Look," he said. "There's Teddy."

They turned around, and saw Lily pulling a slightly abashed Teddy alongside her.

"He got left here," Lily shouted. "Remus and Black forgot they had another team member."

"Oi, I'm a Black too!" Sirius said. "Gimme some respect, would you?"

Lily rolled her eyes.

"I'll find my way to them, it's no big deal," Teddy muttered as they stopped next to the party.

"Where do you think they are?" Lily asked James.

"Well, Remus said something about stopping at his house for some essential supplies," James put air quotes arround essential. "So he's probably at the Lupin cottage, outskirts of Randalls forest."

All of them quickly took out their wands, as James and Sirius bid each other one last goodbye.

"See you mate," James grinned. "Don't die on me."

"Won't even dream about it," Sirius grinned back. "Just don't die on me."

James nodded, and they all twisted away to nothingness.


Hi to all my dear readers!

I hope you're enjoying to story till now. But the main story begins here.

Which horcrux retrieval do you want to read about first?
Comment to share.

The app just glitched yesterday, and I don't know how but this chapter wasn't uploaded properly. Just found out about it today.

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