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"Where is the book? It was right here when I last saw it..." a frustrated Shafiq tore down his library, an admittedly impressive one, in Regulus's opinion, in search of his elusive book. It was nowhere to be found.

Regulus was leaning against a wall, watching Shafiq look for his book with a bored look on his face. Sirius was trying to lighten the mood by making very uncalled-for jokes.

"You know what happens when a Death Eater marries an auror?
They go on honeymoon to Azkaban!" Sirius howled with laughter at his own joke while Adelaide rolled her eyes and Shafiq's hand twitched for his wand. Regulus just watched this all with an amused look, a smile playing on his lips.

"You know —," Sirius was cut of by Shafiq's growl: "Will you shut up? I'm trying to find something."

Sirius just shot him an infuriating grin. "Don't think so mate. My mouth doesn't like being all shut up."

This time, Shafiq grabbed his wand. Regulus moved to interfere, quite panicked. (He knew how brilliant a spell caster Shafiq was, and had no wish for his brother to experience it first-hand.)

He had just crossed Adelaide, when she forced him to stop. Shafiq was trying to summon the book. "Why did I ever put a No Summoning charm on my books!" He threw his wand on the carpeted floor. "I guess you'll just have to believe what we say, without the proof I was looking for."

"I'll believe anything that's unbelievable, like me," Sirius grinned cheekily.

Shafiq muttered something incomprehensible under his breath, while Regulus stifled a snort. Sirius winked at his brother.

"Let's start the story," Adelaide announced loudly, seating herself at the handsomely carved table in the middle of the library. Regulus sat down, and could visibly see the Shafiq Family Tree proudly hung on the upstairs wall.

"You still kept that?" Regulus asked, pointing at it.

"Yeah," he looked slightly uncomfortable. "Old habits die hard."

"What habit?" A nosy Sirius asked, leaning over the table to catch some gossip.

"None of your business," Regulus and Shafiq said in unison.

"Well," Adelaide's voice overlapped their's. "It all begins when Merlin was at Hogwarts —," she was rudely interrupted by Sirius, "Merlin went to Hogwarts?"

"Yes," she said impatiently, not liking the interruption. "Hogwarts was founded before Merlin was there."

"So, when Merlin was there, he accidentally ran afoul of the centaur herd Hogwarts kept. He went on running and running, trying to put as much distance as he could between himself and the herd. On the way, he bumped into one of those creatures you met," Adelaide continued. Sirius listened to her raptly, while Regulus and Shafiq had a little stare down.

"The creature, known to us as a Quirod, was grievously injured. We're still not sure what happened, but reliable sources tell us that soon afterwards, Merlin was mostly seen in the Forbidden Forest.

"The Quirods helped him a lot in his conquests, and were his stalwart companions. The trouble begins after Merlin dies, however. From now onwards, we're not sure if the information is reliable; the rest of the story's based on what I have gathered from the books at my Manor and Druella's stories."

"Druella told you stories?" Sirius interrupted again, aghast. "I can't believe it. Our old house-elf used to do that, and boy did he not like me."

"If you were a bit kinder to him, he would've surely liked you," Regulus said, still have a little stare down.

Sirius looked at them, bemused. Both Regulus and Shafiq were staring at each other as if they'd done each other some personal injury.

"So," Sirius turned back towards Adelaide, who was looking at the two with a frown, "what happens next?"

"According to my sources, the Quirods went mad due to the loss of Merlin; they were too attached for their own good. An unknown wizard banished them into another dimension and they weren't seen for the next thousands of years. Now they're being spotted again, more vengeful than ever. It seems as all wizards — not witches, they haven't attacked a witch or a muggle till now — are guilty of the death of Merlin or something. The Dark Lord probably brainwashed them."

"Are we finished?" Regulus interrupts abruptly. He wasn't looking at Shafiq now, all his attention was on Adelaide. "Sirius and I are expected in France."

"You're leaving today?" Shafiq said, bewildered. "I thought you'll go tomorrow, or probably a few days later. Why so quickly?"

"Urgent call. Unavoidable," Regulus stood up, glaring at Sirius as he opened his mouth. Sirius quickly clamped it shut.

"See you mate," Sirius said, clapping Shafiq affably on the shoulder. "Maybe we'll come after this all is over."

Regulus awkwardly hugged Adelaide goodbye. She responded with the same level of awkwardness. (Lesson number 3 of the Black household- no display of sincere affection.)

Shafiq quickly spoke up, "I know you're still hung up about it Reg, but you know why I did that. Just-just make sure not to do something reckless, okay? We'll talk it out later."

Regulus just shot him a long cold look and replied, "you also know why I chose to do that. There's no need to discuss something that's already done and ruined."

He then grabbed Sirius's hand and dragged him out of Shafiq's house, cold fury radiating from him.

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