#1-The Princess Diaries

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"So we're going to break into the Malfoy Manor?" Sirius questioned his brother incessantly, causing him to roll his eyes.

"No, we're breaking into Gringotts," Regulus snapped, looking around for his safe house.

They were currently roaming around in Salisbury, trying to find the safe house Regulus had placed there. So far, they spotted no sign of it, and Sirius was getting restless.

"Hey Kitten, wanna grab an ice cream? My treat."

Hermione shot him an exasperated look, but ignored him. She joined Regulus and Smith who were trying to trace the exact whereabouts of the apartment.

"So, where do you think it is?" Hermione asked them. Regulus looked quite irritated at the interruption, and chose to ignore her. Smith shot him a reproachful look, and answered. "Somewhere near Enscombe fashion boutique."

"Do you mean that?" Hermione pointed to a store.

"Wow," Smith was pleasantly surprised. "She's found it Reggie."

Regulus gave a slight nod. "Where is Sirius?"

Both Hermione and Smith scanned their surroundings. He wasn't seen.

"Granger, you go and find him," Regulus said.

"Me?" She looked horrified. "Send Smith to find him."

"No mate, I'm not going to go after your brother. I don't like him," Smith said fervently.

Regulus shot him a sharp glare, but he just shrugged. "Fine," Regulus resigned. "I'll go and find him."

Hermione and Smith were quite relieved. "Don't kill him mate. We still need his help. And don't let him kill you."

Regulus nodded. "Give the password." With that he abruptly left.

"Well," Smith enthused. "Let's go."

"But where?" Hermione pointed out.


"Ohhh, I just love muggles," Sirius had his face pressed against a television set. "What is this called again?"

A passerby just gave him a confused look, and hurried away.

"This is so cool," Sirius pressed his finger on one of the football players. "Is this a type of quidditch? Like Muggle quidditch?"

"What's quidditch?" A Muggle girl had slipped next to him, and was watching him with barely concealed amusement. "This is football, the best sport ever invented."

"Football?" Sirius was fascinated. "What a weird name. I like it!"

The girl gave a tinkling laugh. "I'm Lenora. You are?"

"Hi, I'm Sirius," he greeted her enthusiastically.

"Okay, but what's your name?" Lenora was visibly confused.

"Sirius. My name's Sirius. Just like the star," he gave her one of his heart stopping smirks.

"Nice meeting you starman," Lenora grinned. "Now would your care to tell me why an unsupervised wizard is roaming around in a Muggle town?"

"You-I...how?" Sirius gaped at her.

Instead of answering, she laughed her tinkly laugh again.

"Would you care to explain?" Sirius aske irritably, only to interrupted by a shout from his brother. "Sirius! Len!"

A panting Regulus Black screeched to a stop in front of them, accidentally colliding with Lenora.

"Oi, watch it. Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I'll become your human mattress," Lenora said.

"Sorry Len, lost control," Regulus murmured. "Lead the way then," he said to Lenora.

"A few of your friends were loitering around the botique. Tell them to either hit the road or buy something."

"Sure," he mumbled, not even glancing towards Sirius as they left.

"Hey guys, what am I? Leftover turkey?" Sirus yelled, running after them.

None of them noticed the black shadow following their every move.

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