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"Wait—if you think it's that Scandinavian monster we read about at Hogwarts, then no it wasn't," Regulus stopped abruptly.

"Well, I was kind of hoping that it was. Are you sure?" Evan asked, pouting a bit.


"Well then,"  Evan sighed, thoroughly disappointed. "You should freshen up a bit. You need to meet Lord Black soon."

"Don't worry," Regulus patted Evan consolingly on the shoulder. "After this madness is over, we'll go to Scandinavia to find it."

Evan brightened up a little at this. "Get ready birthday-boy, or the party'll start without you!"

Regulus continued up the stairs, shaking his head, while Evan went to the kitchens.

"Oi, where's my room?" Sirius asked his 'host.'

"Next to Reg's. Second floor," he yelled over his shoulder.

Sirius huffed, dawdling at the foot of the stairs with Lenora, waiting for Regulus to enter his room. "What's this Scandinavian monster?" Sirius asked Lenora abruptly.

"When Evan and Reg were at Hogwarts, they'd usually hang around the library. Before they met me, that is," she smirked. "In their first year, they were given this particularly scary book by a seventh year Slytherin. It had the legend of the Scandinavian monster. I don't remember the particularities of it, but it was quite childish. Reg and Evan were scared out of their wits after reading it. Slept together for a fortnight. In their third year, they made a pact to hunt down this monster. Foolish boys. The book was a fairy tale."

Sirius and Lenora laughed. "I'd say you should get ready," Sirius gestured towards the kitchen. "Or else Rosier will have a fit."

"You too," she smiled at him.

Sirius climbed up the stairs and entered the room next to the one with 'Regulus' emblazoned on it.

He sighed. How was Prongs holding up?
Probably having fun, he thought gloomily. He has his son and future wife with him.

He dragged himself into the washroom to get ready.


"A toast, for my dear friend Reg!" Evan hollered, raising his champagne flute. Lenora laughed loudly. Evan had attempted to frost the cake Misty had made, but instead had frosted himself. He'd gotten pink frosting on his hair.

Regulus was suppressing a smile, watching his friend make a fool of himself. Sirius was gloomily surveying the dining hall. With its vast proportions, beautifully tapestried walls, Victorian light fixtures, intricately carved wooden chairs, which were pushed haphazardly to a side, it was deemed worthy of a Pureblood's dining hall. No doubt Rosier stole the furniture from his Manor.

"Why so glum Sirius?" Lenora seated herself beside him. "Don't forget my advice."

Sirius just made a noncommittal noise. How could he forget her advice? The same advice had been warring in his head against his ego, which sounded suspiciously like James, for days.

Lenora just signed at the lack of response, passed him a champagne flute, and rejoined her friends. "Time to cut the cake!" Evan yell-asked.

Regulus moved forward to do so, but in one swift movement, Evan had launched the cake onto his best mate's face. "Happy birthday Reg!"

Regulus stood stunned, before taking out his wand, cleaning himself up, and launching a conjured cake at Evan's face.


Even Sirius sniggered a bit at this.

"Hey Reg," he said in a sudden burst of confidence. "I wanted to talk to you. In private."

Evan gaped at Sirius, dumbstruck. Lenora silently cheered him, a wide smile on her face. Regulus stood passive. "Sure."

Just as they were leaving the room, a patronus flew in.

"Where are you three? It's half past 4!" Orion's voice growled.

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