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"Lilypad! They're harmless!" James burst into the drawing room, afraid to find Lily sobbing out of fear. Instead, he found Regulus sporting a bloody nose, the time travellers currently under the bat-boogey hex, but Orion, he was untouched.

"Tell your girlfriend to make it stop Potter. I feel like a bloody fountain. Literally," Regulus snapped.

"Tell her yourself," James was still in awe to see this.

"I did, but she didn't listen to me!" Regulus snapped irritably, trying to stop the flow. "I accidently broke my wand."

Sirius snorted.

"What the hell is this James? Why are there Death Eaters seated on your sofa, like a bloody tea party is going on?" Lily shrieked.

"They're friends Lily, first fix Reg. The poor thing looks as if he's going to faint again any second," James tried to console her.

"Don't call me that," Regulus grumbled from the sofa, failing miserably in staunching the blood flow.

Lily sighed, but quickly waved her wand, stopping Regulus's bloody nose and removing the bat boogey hex.

"Now explain," she crossed her hands and narrowed her eyes as she glare at her boyfriend.

James gulped.

Fleamont jumped in, saving his son from embarrassment, and explained the whole scenario to Lily. She seemed reluctant at first, but finally accepted what they said.

"If you're going to finish Voldemort, I'm coming with you," Lily said quite defiantly, making it clear that she won't be listening to contradictions.

"Lilypad-" James began, but was cut off by Orion.

"Fine. But your with the Potters. Sirius is out. Regulus and his team will be going after the diary, currently in possession of Lucius Malfoy and get the ring from Gaunt Shack. He knows the Manor very well, it'll be easy for you to find it. Adelaide and her team will go to the Lestrange vault and get Hufflepuff's cup. Both Potters and their team will retrieve the diadem from Hogwarts. Be careful, the security will be very tight. We," Orion gestured to himself, Fleamont and Euphemia, "will find a way to finish Voldemort after he is mortal once more and a way to destroy the horcruxes."

"What about me?" Sirius pouted.

"Go with your brother," Orion replied.

Both the Black brothers were horrified. "You mean him?" They cried in unison.

"Yes I mean him," Orion narrowed his eyes. "You have to get along. Both of your magical skills are excellent, which is required for the dangerous double task I've assigned you."

"Fine," both grumbled, in unison again.

"Quick, all of you, the time travellers will brief you about the location. After that, you're on your own," Orion said grimly, his face set.

"Okay," Harry started. Teddy hovered awkwardly in the background since he had never heard this story from his Harry. "I'm not sure about where the diary is, but the ring is in the Gaunt Shack in Little Hangleton. The diadem is on the room of requirements, on the 7th floor, next to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls ballet. The cup, you know it's in the Lestrange vault. And that's it."

"Quickly pack all you want. Get searching tomorrow. As soon as you find one, come back immediately and give it to us," Fleamont added sternly. All nodded and quickly dispersed.

"Let's hope we don't regret this," Euphemia sighed. Fleamont nodded, while Orion sat in deep thought, his brow furrowed.

A phoenix patronus flew in, startling them.

"All three of you, in my office tomorrow at 5pm. I currently enjoy sherbet lemons," Dumbledore's voice echoed through the room.

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