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"I told you! It wasn't a snog, just a small kiss," Aoife repeated again, a bit sheepish this time.

Sirius was staring at her, his mouth agape.

"Then what?" he finally replied. "Are you together now? Should I start working on the invitation cards?"

"Wha- we're not even dating, Sirius," she said, her cheeks reddening a bit. "It was an honest mistake, and we've decided to forget it."

"That's absolutely mental," Sirius exclaimed. "Evans said the same thing once, and the next day they were publicly snogging each other's faces off."

"But that happened with Glasses and Evans," she said, trying to salvage the situation. "They were already in love, probably. I've only known you lot for a week, Sirius, a week."

"It's been two, Fifa," he smirked. "But when you get together, don't forget me. My favorite redhead and my brother, together ... "

"I need to go," she said, abruptly, stopping Sirius from completing the sentence. He sent her a sly wink. "Regulus said that we'd be reading up goblin rebellions today."

"Really? Is it goblin rebellions or..." Sirius waggled his eyebrows.

She threw her notebook at him and left, an unwilling smile breaking out on her face.



I know this is the second letter I've written to you in two days - which is highly unusual - but I really need you advice. I've told you about the girl who joined us, Aoife? Well, something weird happened yesterday.

We kissed. Only.

And now I don't know to to react.

If this was one of the girls Mother used to set up for me, I would've just told her to bugger off or something. Here, we came to a mutual concession that it was an accident, and we'd behave normally afterwards.

I shouldn't be writing this, but what she doesn't know doesn't hurt her, right?

But now, every time I see her, it just feels so awkward that I wish I had a time turner. There's this strange feeling too, and I don't know how to react to it.

How're things with Smith? Hope my brother's cronies aren't nagging you.

Your beloved cousin,


It's fine, Regulus thought, perusing the letter yet again. No need to go into much detail.

Just as he was about to reread the letter again, he heard footsteps approaching the library. He quickly sprang off the chair, and hastened for his owl, who was waiting at the windowsill. With one condescending look, it flew off, letter clamped in its beak.

Just then, Aoife entered.

"What're you doing, Regulus?"

He turned around quickly, pushing the quill into his pocket.

"Nothing, I was just waiting for you. Did you get the book?"

Aoife half-nodded, before shaking her head in a way commonly interpreted as a no.

"You had the book last, remember?"

"Oh, right. It should be right here."

He walked to the neglected sofa, feeling like an absolute idiot. What was happening? He felt like a blundering fool.

INFERI (REGULUS BLACK)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें