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The Dark Lord stood menacingly in front of Regulus. After he had ordered  all the death eaters out, Voldemort had started circling the poor boy, like a lion does to its prey.

Suddenly, Regulus's mental walls were torn down by Voldemort. He groped and snatched at the memories, the ones of Smith, Adelaide and their merry banter. How he detested the Pureblood ways. How he still loved his brother, and could give up his life for him. His love for Kreacher and house-elves. His want for equal rights to all inferior creatures.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Voldemort asked quietly, exiting Regulus's mind and leaving him on his knees, panting for breath. "A Pureblood with the wrong ideals. Don't worry, soon you'll be fit to rule the Wizarding World alongside me."

Regulus shuddered at this, clearly repulsed. At this, Voldemort's eyes flashed bright scarlet.

"Think whatever you want. Believe whatever you want. Leave my ranks, leave your family, no harm shall come to you or them," Voldemort offered courteously, gesturing towards the door.

"Why," his voice cracked. "why this offer?"

"Smart boy," Voldemort gave a cold, mirth less laugh. "I've heard your brother is living with the Potters. And your best friend James Smith. Such a pity if he suddenly vanished, along with his family, don't you think? And if a surprise attack on the Potters manor happened, and all perished...."

"I-I'll join you," he said pleadingly. "Don't hurt them. Please."

"I'm sure your parents will see to your punishment. Send Bellatrix to me," Voldemort said.

Regulus hurried out of the room, and informed his cousin. In return he only received a dirty look.


Kreacher paced the Hall of number 12 Grimmauld Place, anxiously waiting for his master. How would master Regulus be? Was the only thought running through his mind.

A pop was heard in the drawing room, and Kreacher scurried over to see who it was. He saw his mistress, his master and....

Master Regulus was an appalling sight. Blood flowed down his nose, numerous cuts on his face, and his body was lightly trembling.

"Close the door Kreacher," the demeaning voice of Walburga Black rang through the drawing room. "And get out, you filthy rat."

Regulus opened his mouth as to say something, but closed it at the look Kreacher shot him. It was pleading, begging almost, for him to not say anything.

"Yes mistress," Kreacher muttered, and left the room, not before hearing a bit of their argument.

"That filthy elf, nobody asked him to say anything," Walburga spat.

"He didn't do anything wrong mother, he just acknowledged your order," he heard his master Regulus defend him.

"Crucio!" Walburga's voice caused Kreacher to flinch, but his master Regulus's screams of pain caused the elf to break into sobbing. Before anybody could hear, however, he disapparated to the kitchens.

After a few excruciating hours, the screaming came to a stop, and Bellatrix apparated into the kitchen.

"Hello Kreacher," Bellatrix gave a manic laugh, causing a shiver of fear to go down Kreacher's spine. "The Dark Lord requires a filthy elf."

Just then Regulus came down. Kreacher didn't want to see his master, so he closed his eyes.

"Promise me Kreacher," Regulus whispered into his ear. "You'll come back."

With this both Bellatrix and Kreacher went off.

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