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"You got a dog? Why didn't you tell us Moony? She and I could've been best friend," an overdramatic Sirius Black questioned his best friend.

Remus rolled his eyes. "It's not a girl Sirius, it's a boy. You just can't hook up with it."

"I can," Sirius said with a wicked grin. "I'm not really choosy. And maybe he'll like me back."

Remus rolled his eyes exasperatedly as James guffawed , beating his fists on the table. Suddenly, he heard a noise.

"Did you hear that?" Remus asked his friends, who shook their heads. Curse his enhanced werewolf hearing ability, he thought bitterly. He could even hear the footsteps of Euphemia and Fleamont as they thundered down the steps.

"I'm sure it's nothing Moony. Something probably just fell," James shrugged, shifting his attention to Sirius again, who was just telling him how he'd scared a muggle animal healer called a vet in his animagus form.

"And then, if you'll believe it, he howled with me! A nutter, that one. He nearly wet his pants when he saw a dog pick up a pen and write on the wall I am Serious. Anybody gets the pun?" Sirius grinned, puffing his chest.

"Who let you run amok in muggle London Sirius?" Remus asked, exasperated. He was always like that around those two, but he wouldn't trade them away for the world.

"James had gone to escort Lily to the bathroom." Sirius wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as James blushed. "When they didn't come back after an hour, I decided to go and have some fun."

"Really?" Remus raised an unimpressed eyebrow in James's direction. "You left him alone? In muggle London?"

James was from answering by the sudden entrance of his mum and dad.

"Hey mum, hey dad," James said gratefully, jumping too his feet.

"Anything out of ordinary boys?" Fleamont asked, disregarding James's greeting.

"I heard something down in the cellar, but we think something just fell," Remus offered, noticing the panicked look on Fleamont's face.

Fleamont nodded his acknowledgement, and rushed down the cellar steps. Euphemia followed him.

The marauders (minus Peter. He was off visiting his sick mother again) looked at each other, and went after them.

When they reached, they saw both huddled around something, or someone, as they could see booted feet. They looked expensive, the type of boots you'll expect Sirius to wear.

"Do you think he's okay?" They heard Euphemia ask in a hushed voice.

"I don't think so. He sent a letter. It must've been something bad," Fleamont answered in an equally hushed voice.

"What happened?" James boomed, causing all in the cellar to jump.

Euphemia and Fleamont quickly turned around, causing them to briefly view the person they were shielding. He looked familiar, but they couldn't put a name to him. Sirius however, seemed to recognise him, and was as pale as snow.

"Well kids, you shouldn't overreact, he's safe, I promise..." Fleamont trailed off, glancing at Sirius.

"What in Merlin's pants is my brother doing here?" he asked them, his voice trembling and hands in fists.

"We'll explain everything, but he's in dire need of medical attention," Fleamont tried to explain. Sirius quietened down, but wasn't fully convinced.

James spoke up. "Fine, treat him. But check if he's a Death Eater," he cast an apologetic look at Sirius. "It will be wise to hand his the the aurors instead of healing him."

Sirius said nothing, looking at war with himself. Euphemia started to say something, looking furious, but Fleamont glanced at Euphemia, causing her to stop. Both of them moved away from Regulus, giving the Marauders a clearer look.

He was pale, deathly pale. A number of cuts littered his face. His clothes were quite torn up, and a livid bruise was blooming on his forehead. He layed there, unmoving.

Sirius opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. Fleamont moved forward, lifting up Regulus's left sleeve.

His forearm was blank.
Except for a few bruises.

Sirius blanched and James looked a bit ashamed of himself.

"Are you all satisfied?" Fleamont asked tersely.

Blankly, all three of them nodded their heads. Euphemia pulled out her wand and levitated Regulus out of the cellar after shooting the boys a disapproving look.

"Well, that doesn't happen everyday," Remus observed.

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