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We pulled up to the cabin, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I looked up at the large two story wooden house that was so much different from the one in Cottonwood Heights but also seemed to be more of Austin's style. He still loved his small town Texan roots and this place embodied that so much, it quickly became one of our favorite places to hangout and I think he loved that most because it was a break away from chaos and a place where the both of us could truly be alone.

"I missed this" I said with a smile looking over at him as he reached his hand out for mine, lacing our fingers together as he gently pulled me towards him locking our lips together in a soft kiss.

"I've missed this too" he said against my lips before pulling further away. "I haven't been up here since you left" he said sadly, his thumb brushing over the peaks and valleys of my knuckles. "Dad and Jodie came here from time to time but other than that it's been empty" he said, his voice quiet as he looked down at our laced fingers before looking up at me with that all too familiar look of regret hanging in his eyes.

If there were any place that we were going to resolve everything and figure out where we were headed from here this was going to be the place. I could already imagine long talks, tears, laughs, hungry lips and beautiful moments in between the sheets. But I was just hoping out of all of this that there was going to be an us and that he would be as willing to forgive me as I was to forgive him.

"Austin" I said, his head lifting back up to look at me raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah sweetheart?" he asked bringing the back of my hand to his lips placing a soft kiss against it before giving me a soft smile.

"I'm so sorry" I said for what felt like the hundredth time, shaking my head slowly back and forth. "I never wanted this to happen, yet I was the one who made it happen. You were coming home to try to save it and I just threw it away" I said, locking my eyes with his, his free hand coming up to rest on my cheek, his thumb slowly running over my skin before he pressed his lips softly against mine.

"Maddison, none of this was your fault and I never have and never would blame you for what happened. It was all my fault and your actions were what anyone who found that out would do" he said as I nodded my head real quick.

"We're going to be talking a lot I feel" I said with a laugh, his lips pressing against my forehead as he smiled at me.

"I think so sweetheart" he said with a sweet smile, our eyes doing a small dance before he leaned in giving me a quick kiss.

"Let's get inside sweetheart" he smiled, giving me one more chaste kiss before opening up the door and stepping into the shower of snow that hadn't slowed since we left Cottonwood Heights.

I let out a small sigh tugging on my black gloves and pulling on the matching hat with the fur ball on the top taking another look at the house while another smile crept slowly on my lips. This place held so many memories, even more memories than his house in Cottonwood and it was here during the long weekends and peaceful nights filled with the chirps of the cicadas that we grew even closer and I couldn't be more thankful for this place.



I turned to see Austin walking out to the large deck on the back of the house that had majestic views of the beautiful snow capped mountains in the distance. It was just turning to late spring but the snow still clung to the them like a thick blanket.

"Hey baby" I said with a small smile stretching my arms over my head as he walked towards me, a thin blanket clutched in his hand which was honestly needed for the slight chill in the air the quicker it approached nighttime.

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