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I moaned quietly against his lips as he slid his hands over my plump ass giving it a quick squeeze, the feel of his dick hardening at the small action making my core clench. I pressed against him tighter for just a moment before he lifted me up, my legs once again easily wrapping around his waist as he carried me back over towards the island setting me down gently against the cold marble. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck, my legs opening just enough to let him stand between them as he slowly ran his fingers up my thighs, easily sneaking them under his shirt and dipping them below the waistband of my panties.

I didn't stop him–nor did I want too–as his fingers rested between my skin and the thin fabric of my panties almost as if they were trying to make the decision for him. I kissed him deeper, my tongue slowly sliding between his sweet lips quickly tangling with his as I slowly slid my hands over his shoulders and down his torso before resting on the button of his jeans not taking it any further than that but hoping that my message came across loud and fucking clear.

He pulled away from me after a few minutes, his index finger slowly sliding against my hip tickling me just a little as I smiled, his own smile tugging on his lips as he pressed a chaste kiss to my nose.

"I love you Maddison and I'm not just saying that. Yesterday and today have already been the best days of my fucking life since you left" he said letting out a laugh his head shaking slowly as I brought my hands up to gently cradle his still frosting covered cheeks in my palms.

"I know you're not just saying it baby and these days have been the best days of my life too. I love you so much" I said, letting my eyes dance slowly with his as he started moving in towards me, that familiar feeling washing over me that I had experienced so many times before, the anticipation of his lips pressing against mine that I knew would quickly turn to something more.

I held my breath letting my eyes dance between his and his lips trying not to let my mind wander too much towards what I knew was coming, my heart beating faster as his fingers started sinking deeper into the band of my panties when the sound of the door opening just behind me made the moment crash and burn.


I heard Austin chuckle followed by a sigh as he dropped his head against my shoulder, my hands coming up to rub his back as I placed several kisses on the top of his head.

"Hey Cynthia" he said, his eyes resting back on mine giving me an unapologetic stare before slowly running his thumb over my lip. "I'm sorry sweetheart" he said tilting his head at me just slightly as I smiled back up at him.

"It's okay baby" I said leaning in to give him a kiss, the urge to say that we would have another chance dancing through my mind and threatening to fall off of my tongue but I didn't want to say it just in case–even though I don't think I did–I had a different idea of what was happening here than he did.

"Come here" he said with a smirk grabbing the towel that was thrown onto the island wiping the icing off of my face.

I grabbed the towel from him when he was finished, wiping as much of it from his face as I could, laughing when I noticed that his beard was a lost cause unless he took a shower. Between the powdered sugar and icing the tips of it looked like he dipped them in white paint, but hey it would make for a fantastic fucking story.

"Maddison? Oh my God is that you!?" Cynthia asked dropping her things on the floor as she walked over to me wrapping me in a tight hug, my cheeks turning just a slight shade of crimson when I realized I was in nothing but Austin's t-shirt and a pair of underwear, sitting scandalously on his kitchen island with icing remnants strewn across my semi-cleaned cheeks.

"Hi Cynthia" I laughed as she pulled away from me, her hands holding onto my arms as she gave me a long hard look almost as if she couldn't believe that I was actually sitting in front of her. "You did a great job decorating for Christmas, the house looks amazing" I said looking around before looking back at her.

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