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I took in a breath and smiled as I stepped into the cold, my hand held gently in his as the snow still fell in thick sheets all around me, but this time it was more beautiful than before and there was no denying it was due in large part to Austin. My wish to be in his arms watching the snowfall seemed to take yet another step closer to coming true. I smiled looking around at my very familiar surroundings–never imagining that I would actually be back here let alone be here with Austin–stepping closer to him yearning to feel the familiar heat radiating from him as he gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"Cold?" he asked, once again reading my mind as I looked up at him letting out a laugh when the fur from my hood covered my eyes, my free hand coming up to move it back only to be instantly met with those stunning blues, rosy cheeks and amazing smile.

"Yes" I said, feeling my cheeks turning red. "I seemed to have forgotten how cold it gets here" I laughed feeling instantly dumb for my comment as he started to chuckle.

"Come here" he smiled, his hand letting go of mine allowing him to wrap his arm around me, pulling me close to him as I rested my head against his shoulder. I felt my eyes close for a split second, my entire body seeming to let out a small sigh of comfort at the feeling of being wrapped in his embrace even if it was just to keep me warm.

"Better?" he asked, the hint of a smirk in his voice which made me playfully roll my eyes because I knew he knew the answer to his own question but he just wanted to hear me say it and I had to admit, every now and then I played into that little ego he sometimes possessed.

"Much" I smiled, "But I think you already knew that" I said looking up at him, my heart starting to flutter as he slowly brought his gaze down towards mine, his piercing baby blues staring deep into the hazel of my own as he slowed down his steps until we were stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

I took in a deep breath as he slowly turned me so I was looking at him, my arms instinctively coming up to wrap around his much thinner waist then when I had left him, my mind instantly wondering if our year apart had anything to do with it but it quickly drifted away when I felt the warmth of his hand gently rest against my cold cheek.

"I missed you Maddison. I missed you so fucking much" he said, his voice quiet yet still extremely audible as we stood in the middle of the crowded city, the fact that people were passing by us every twenty seconds was something that didn't seem to bother him as he stared deeply into my eyes letting his thumb roam soft over my cheek.

"Austy" I said with a smile, my body instinctively moving closer to him until there was not even enough space for the smallest snowflake to pass between us. "I missed you too" I said, feeling that lump rise in my throat at the smile that crossed his lips at my statement, making me wonder if he thought I had just instantly forgotten about him that quickly.

I felt my heartbeat quicken as he moved his hand from my face, his heavily tattooed fingers gently grabbing the outside of my hood as he slid it gently from my head, tiny pieces of my hair instantly blowing in the wind and becoming home to perfect snowflakes as he gently slid it behind my ear.

"I'm sorry Maddi, I'm so sorry" he said, my vision becoming slightly blurred from the tears that were threatening to spill from them as I brought up one of my hands resting my index finger against those perfect plump lips to stop him from talking–or stop him from kissing me because I knew that would be it for me and even though I wanted a second chance I didn't want it to happen so soon–his lips pressing gently against the pad of my finger before I pulled it away resting my palm against his soft wet beard.

"Not now, okay?" I asked, my eyes dancing with his as my thumb came up to rest on his lips while he pressed another kiss against it, his hand coming up to grab mine giving it a tight squeeze as he nodded his head. I knew there was a plethora of unspoken guilt between us, but I didn't want that to overshadow the first time we saw each other or maybe I was afraid it would ruin whatever this was that was already sparking back to life between us.

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