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We pulled into the parking lot of Brewskis which was surprisingly more crowded than I had thought with the thick curtains of white snow falling quickly, the roads left pretty much impassable for anyone that wasn't driving either a truck, side by side or a snowmobile. But, I seemed to have forgotten that Utah was filled with all of the above and a little bit of snow–as they would to refer to this as–wasn't going to keep them from carrying on their daily lives. I pulled next to Austin quickly turning off my snowmobile as I stood up stretching my arms over my head as I felt his strong arms wrap around me lifting me up as I giggled. I reached up pulling the tight fitting helmet from my head watching as he did the same, a small smile tugging on my lips as I watched the perfectly formed snowflakes landing in his tightly trimmed beard.

"Yes sweetheart?" he asked with a smile, taking another step closer to me as he reached out his gloved hand to rest gently on my cheek.

"This just reminds me of the time we went to Park City for Christmas and we were standing at the top of the hill getting ready to get on the horse drawn carriage. It was snowing like this and the snow was landing perfectly in your hair and on your beard and yeah" I said with a laugh suddenly feeling extremely foolish with how I was describing it. But it was a sentimental moment and I loved it so much.

"And your cheeks were all rosy and your hair was falling out of that loose braid you put in much like it is now, the snowflakes sticking to the ends. And your eyes, were glistening with so much fucking happiness when you found out what were doing" he said with a smile, my eyes quickly landing back on his as I joined in on the memory once again.

"So you remember too huh?" I asked with a grin, my hand coming up to rest on his as he smiled wider giving me a small head nod.

"Of course I do sweetheart, that was one of my favorite moments" he said, his cold thumb gently gliding over my skin as he leaned in pressing a kiss to my lips, my heart swooning for the moment as the snow fell around us softly, making it the perfect backdrop for our already more than perfect moment.

"Come on sweetheart" he said, pulling away with a smile. "Let's get out of the cold" he grinned as he grabbed my hand in his, guiding me towards the entrance.

I had to admit that I was a little nervous coming here for a vast amount of reasons. One, I was really hoping that this wasn't pushing him too fast to be around the thing that he seemed to want to get away from more than anything. I know that he said he was okay and I know I didn't know how much he was around drinking when I wasn't home, but I didn't want to be the reason that he fell back off the wagon again. I wanted to support him with this as much as I could and be there for him if things ever got tough. I didn't want to put him in the spot where it seemed like I was dangling his temptation right in front of him every chance that I could get. If he wanted to make this change, I was going to make this change with him and be right by his side.

Second, I was also nervous about being out in public so soon after we got back together. I knew that rumors were flying like wildfire even before I came out here for work about the two of us. People were starting to reach out to me again asking if I still talked to him or if I wanted to get back together with him and I didn't want to draw a ton of attention towards us and bring up skeletons from the closet with what he had done a year ago. That was over now. I knew the truth and I forgave him and that's all that mattered. I didn't need rumors to start circling again about what people think happened and why they think we got back together. Yeah I loved his fans and I was always nice when they interacted with me, I mean how could I not be? They were the reason why Austin had a career, they were the reason why we were able to live such an easy life. Without them we wouldn't have half of the stuff we had.

"Madds, you okay sweetheart?" Austin asked as we stepped through the door, the warmth of the heat laying against my skin like a warm blanket as he pulled me closer to him, his ungloved finger resting under my chin as he gently tilted it upwards so my eyes were resting on the calming blue waters of his.

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