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I felt like I was floating on a cloud while the question he had asked me started to set in, a smile tugging on the corner of my lips as I shyly looked up at him and nodded my head, my eyes following him as I watched him walk to the other side of the table pulling off his hat revealing his short hair that was just starting to curl again followed by his jacket revealing a tight black t-shirt that hugged his heavily tattooed biceps perfectly and showed off his slender mid-section. He looked amazing, and I couldn't help but gaze at him, falling more in love with him with each ticking second of the clock as I watched him sit down in the seat across from me.

I had to admit, I was somewhat surprised at his reaction to me being here. I had suspected that he would look at me and walk away from me, I never in a million years actually pictured him walking over to me with a smile whenever I thought of us seeing each other again. But then again this was Austin we were talking about and well he was just simply different and that was the best way that I could put it. However, to say that the first few minutes of us being together again wasn't awkward would be a lie. But it wasn't an uncomfortable awkward, it was more of a we didn't know if we should hug each other or treat each other like old friends. Besides that, being with him still gave me those butterflies that I always got when we were together and honestly it was an extremely welcomed feeling.

"Medium americano extra cream?"

"Thank you" Austin said with a smile reaching out for the cup immediately bringing it to his lips, his eyes never leaving me as he looked at me over the rim of his cup almost as if he was afraid if they did I would leave too.

I let out a quiet sigh grabbing for my own cup, both of my hands holding onto it tightly–mostly because I was afraid if I didn't use both I would be wearing the macchiato on my brand new light washed jeans–taking a small sip while my eyes connected with his, a fire igniting in my stomach that had been dormant for so long instantly making me break his gaze as I set down my mug and cleared my throat.

"You're here" he said through a small chuckle, my cheeks heating up at his statement as I nodded my head biting on my bottom lip, my eyes momentarily gazing out the window before I drug them over to land on him. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at him while I continued to slowly nod my head.

"I'm here," I said with my own laugh as I looked down at my drink before looking back up at him.

"And during your favorite season too" he said, a wide smile tugging on my lips at the fact that he remembered such a mundane detail about me as I nervously tucked my already tucked hair behind my ears letting out a chuckle.

"You remembered" I said with a cute smile and a head tilt, this time his cheeks turning red as he looked down at the table for a minute before looking back up at me.

"Of course I did Madds, watching the snow with you was always one of my favorite things" he said, his words making the guilt flood me just a little bit more and my breath catch in my throat.

I tore my eyes away from him wondering if I was really ready for this, if I was really ready to walk down memory lane with the man that I still loved or if allowing him to sit with me was just an absolutely ludicrous idea, but despite my reservations being with him was exactly what I wanted whether it was a good idea or not.

"It was one of my favorite things too," I said quietly, my eyes glancing back up at him to see him smiling at me as he brought his mug back to his lips.

I watched as he slowly brought it back down to the table, his eyes still heavily looking me over as if he was trying to see if I changed in any way, but I hadn't. I was still the same girl he loved a year ago that I was now. My thick long brown hair hadn't changed–it may have grown longer but aside from that it was the same–I hadn't grown an inch, I was still the same five foot three girl he met in New York. I may be a little thinner than I was when I left him, but that was due in large part to leaving him which I now realized was a huge mistake on my part.

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