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I let out a groan as I felt my eyes start to creep open, every part of me still wanting to be asleep cuddled in his arms for the rest of eternity but unfortunately my body always had a mind of its own and whenever it was ready to wake up well fuck I was awake. I snuggled myself closer to him–desperate to cling to any few precious seconds that I had left with him before giving into my body's request—before pressing my lips softly against his warm tattooed chest smiling at how he held me tighter before letting his head fall to the side as small snores drifted from him. I let out a sigh as I slid from under his arm, chuckling to myself at the fact that he didn't even move an inch as I slid from the sheets immediately wrapping my arms around my naked body as I quickly ran to the bathroom.

I closed the door quietly behind me quickly grabbing for the white fluffy robe that was hanging on the back of the door and wrapped it around myself, desperate for anything that would give me warmth. We had been sleeping all night and I was almost certain that Austin had not woken up throughout the night to put wood on the fires. I smiled to myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror giving myself a small head shake. My hair was still in the ruffled state that it took after we made beautiful love to each other between the sheets and the one side of my face was slightly flushed from it resting on top of Austin's chest for the entire night. I chuckled again as I reached forward turning on the faucet, my hands gravitating under the warm water as I let out a silent ahh before grabbing for the bar of Dove soap–it was literally the only thing that worked on my face–lathering it between my hands before giving my face a good wash.

I gave my hands a shake before grabbing for the towel that was lying on the counter, patting my face dry before pulling the elastic from my hair and brushing through the heaps of tangles that formed during our...rendezvous. I brushed it over to the side quickly putting it into a loose braid before turning off the light and stepping back into the cold room. I smiled once again, debating if I should just climb back between the sheets and cuddle against him soaking in the warmth that always radiated from his body, but I knew that I would eventually wake him. No matter how hard I tried I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep and I didn't want to wake him up. He deserved to rest, especially since I knew that he was probably three months behind since the tour.

I smiled again before quietly making my way out of the room, a nice warm coffee floating into my mind seemed like the exact thing that I would need to help get my blood flowing like normal and to get some warmth back into my body. I cringed a little the instant that my bare feet hit the cold barewood outside of our bedroom door as I half ran and half walked towards the kitchen and the solace of the many throw rugs that littered the ground. I let out a small ahh–mostly not even knowing that I had done it–as I made my way towards the Keurig hitting the power button before going towards the drawer I remembered housed the many different kinds of coffee and plucked one out. I sat it on the counter with the familiar click of plastic against granite before leaning against it, folding my arms over my chest as I stared out into the blinding white of the morning. Despite there being a lack of sun shining through the thick gray that was continuously shedding more flakes to the ground, it was still rather bright and welcoming and it made that fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach grow as the feeling of home continued to creep through my body.

I smiled to myself again–something that I haven't done in months before I came back here–my hands rubbing vigorously against my arms in an attempt to add extra warmth before grabbing the pod of coffee and a mug from the cabinet. I placed them with a small clink and a pop in their correct places, took a minute to decide how much caffeine I thought would be sufficient before hitting 12oz as I waited. I rested my elbows on the counter and my chin in my palms, my index fingers tapping against the sides of my face as I waited for my warm brew.

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