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"Sweetheart that was absolutely fucking delicious" Austin said from his seat next to me as he sat back, his arm slinging over the back of my chair and his other hand resting on his stomach giving it a quick rub followed by a burp that made me break out into loud laughter next to him while he gently rubbed my shoulder with his thumb.

"It was only good because you helped" I said looking over at him with a smile, watching as he shook his head.

"Helped" he smirked, holding up his finger. "I didn't actually put anything into the pan that was all you beautiful" he said, giving the tip of my nose a small tap with his finger before leaning in for a small kiss.

"Come sit with me?" he asked, his gaze turning from sweet and playful to lustful and romantic, sending an extremely welcome chill through my spine as I smiled.

"Okay baby, but should we clean up first?" I said looking at the two dishes, and two glasses on the table that would mix with the dirty dishes from preparing dinner, not sure if I really wanted to clean up at this very instant or if my body was turning on its defensive mode while knowing what was going to come with sitting with him.

"We can clean up later sweetheart, we have all night" he said with a smile, pushing himself back from the table to stand up, his hand reaching out for mine as I laced my fingers with his and let him walk us over towards the couch that was perfectly placed to look out the large windows at the mountains and the night sky that wasn't tarnished with the harsh lights of the city below like it was back in Cottonwood.

"It is still so beautiful here" I said with a smile as I snuggled close to him, my head resting on his shoulder as I felt him let out a chuckle while throwing a thick blanket over us that added just the right amount of heat with the fire crackling behind us.

"You always loved it here sweetheart, from the moment the plane landed" he said, giving me a small squeeze before slowly running his hand up and down my arm as I let out a small sigh.

"I do" I said with a smile. "It was just so different here from the city. It felt open, clean, and there was just something magical about this place that made me feel like I couldn't get enough of it and I felt that same thing when the plane landed at the airport again" I said moving in closer to him as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"You have no fucking idea how refreshing it was to know that I finally had someone who liked where I lived. This is my home, it gives me so much peace and a feeling of being normal and I love it here" he said in that quiet rasp that always made my skin crawl with tingles.

"Everyone else didn't want this. They wanted the life that came with me being a celebrity. Living in an over the top fucking expensive rental in LA, walking the streets and being followed by annoying assholes with fucking cameras in your face, shopping in high end stores and always having to take the back entrance into things. I guess it made them feel special or some shit" he said shaking his head as my hand searched for his lacing our fingers together as I gave it a tight squeeze.

"I lived that before and it was fun for a while but it was so bad for me" he said shaking his head. "I needed to get out of there and no one besides you understood that or respected that" he said as I lifted my head from his shoulder giving him a curious glance.

"Then can I ask you something?" I said in almost a whisper as he looked over at me with a small smirk.

"Why did I go back out there then?" he said as I shrugged my shoulders and laughed, his own small laughter floating from his lips as he sighed and ran his hand over his short hair.

"I don't know Madds. It felt like the only place for me to be. I had nothing here anymore. I mean yeah I had Dad, Jodie, Mitch, Britt and Bordeaux, but that didn't feel like enough anymore" he said taking a pause. "It didn't feel like home anymore without you" he said, turning his head to look at me, my hand coming up to rest on his face as I let out a sigh.

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