Twenty one

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"Are you ready sweetheart" Austin asked, my light pink Carhartt knit hat in his hands that he gently pulled over my head covering my eyes making me laugh as I reached up pushing it off of my eyes gazing up at him with a love sick smile, taking in a breath as he gently cradled my cheek in his hand as he returned my smile.

"You are so fucking cute, I love you so much" he said, my bottom lip coming between my teeth as I leaned closer to him, his free hand wrapping around my lowerback as he kept me pressed against him while he placed a soft kiss against my lips.

"I love you too" I said, giving him a sweet smile, our eyes dancing together slowly before he meshed our lips together again.

I let myself get lost in the kiss as he slowly moved his plump lips against mine, the kiss itself almost serving as an end to our past. An end to the darkness that was hiding within each of us, an end to the secrets, an end to the betrayal. But it also served as a new beginning. Almost as if we were starting over without actually starting over. Entering a new chapter of our life, one that I knew was going to be filled with just as much–if not more–happiness then we had before.

"Thank you" he said, pulling away from my lips, my finger coming up to rest against the plumpness of his as I smiled while he pressed his lips against the pad of my index finger.

"Shh" I said with a small giggle. "We said no more of that, remember" I smiled as he shrugged his shoulder giving me a boyish smirk that always made my heart flutter wildly while he reached for the bag in my hand making my breath catch in my throat as his tattooed fingers grazed against mine.

"I can't help it sweetheart" he said with that same boyish grin. "I'm just so fucking thankful that you are back and that you are giving this another chance" he said letting his lips brush against mine in a chaste kiss.

"I am too baby, so fucking glad" I said making him smile as he nodded towards the door, his hand reaching out for the black door handle giving it a small twist pulling it towards him.

I smiled as the snow blew in around him, the wind reaching back towards me giving my cheeks a hard kiss of their blistering chill. He looked back at me, his cheeks already turning pink from the frigid air as he smiled

"You know" I said, walking up behind him, my arms wrapping around his waist as I half hid myself behind him looking out around his right arm at the snow that was still falling in thick curtains in front of us.

"All of this makes being here even more magical. I'm finally back home, during my favorite time of year, with the man that I love more than anything, surrounded by all of these majestic mountains. It's absolutely perfect" I said looking up at him, his eyes already looking down at me with a sweet twinkle within them.

"It is perfect, you're perfect sweetheart" he said, reaching over to gently hold my chin, his thumb running over my lip making tingles travel through my body before he let his hand slowly flutter away.

"We're perfect baby" I smiled as I stepped around him, my hand finding his as I slowly laced our fingers together, our eyes doing yet another dance together as I stepped myself out of the doorway and onto the snow covered porch, my feet crunching against the tightly packed snow as I pulled him out with me.

I heard the door close behind me as I started guiding us off of the porch, carefully finding the three stairs taking each one slowly so I wouldn't twist my ankle when I finally reached the bottom letting out a small scream followed by a laugh as I sank up to my calves in the deep snow. I looked over my shoulder to see Austin's face lighting up with merriment while he started to laugh, his rosy cheeks turning even more pink and his blue eyes sparkling as I stood literally stuck to my spot.

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