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"Shit that was so good but now I have a food baby" I laughed resting my hand on my stomach that was indeed making its appearance through my tight fitting silk dress.

"One day it'll be a real baby sweetheart, just give me some time" he rasped in my ear, his arms wrapping around me from behind pulling me towards him.

My head fell back against his chest, my eyes falling closed while I swam in the expensive scent of his cologne and found my comfort laying in his arms while he placed small kisses into the crown of my head unknowingly making my body erupt in a sea of tingles.

"I know you will baby" my voice came out in almost a sleepy whisper while he gave me a tight squeeze.
My hands traveled to find his heavily tattooed ones, our fingers twisting together perfectly as if they were always meant to be together.

I let out a comfortable sigh at the feeling of his thumb caressing the skin between my thumb and index finger just as my eyes fluttered open to see that large flakes of snow had started to slowly fall from the light gray sky after they had taken a break for almost an hour.

"Thank you for this Austin, thank you so much" a small smile tugging at my lips while he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck pressing his lips against my warm skin.

"You don't need to thank me sweetheart, I'd do anything for you for my entire life" his hot breath fanning against my neck making my skin break into goose flesh, but that didn't stop him from pressing his pillow soft lips against it.

I turned my head up, the need hanging behind his gaze while he devoured every feature of my face making my heat throb. We played the game, a game we haven't played since we first got together. We taunted each other to see who was going to be the first one to break the beautiful tension that was between us, his eyes heavily laying on my lips as he reached his thumb up gently cupping my cheek in his palm while slowly rubbing his thumb over my pink lips. I leaned into the touch, my lashes tickling my cheeks as my eyes closed while my heart hammered in my chest, it's beating so intense I could feel it in my throat and hear its deafening thump in my ears. It didn't matter that we've been in situations like this so many times before, tonight there was just something different about it. It felt like it was the first time all over again.

"Austin" I whispered, a small chuckle leaving his lips, the tip of his nose gently nudging my cheek as he moved into me. His warm breaths were coming faster now, the feel of each one scorching my cheeks leaving me woosey.

My hand gripped the soft fabric of his Tom Ford suit pants giving his leg a small squeeze before softly running it over the fabric stopping dangerously close to his dick. His breath hitched, replaced by a small moan, his body seeming to be frozen for just a second before he gently pressed his lips to my cheek holding them there for just a second almost as if he was thinking of their next move. My hand squeezed his thigh tighter at the feel of his lips slowly moving over my jawline, the soft wet trail feeling like liquid flames against my skin. I moaned quietly, making a warm chuckle escape from his lips right before he pressed them against the sweet spot at the base of my neck.

"I love you Maddison" his words coming out rough and deep, making my heat throb. I've heard these words fall from his lips countless times before, but never like this. The sound of them making my body tingle at the feel of his lips slowly making their way back towards mine.

"I love you Austin"

"Mm, just what I love to hear sweetheart" he flirted, his teeth gently nipping at my bottom lip giving it a small tug before enveloping my lips with his.

He kissed me slowly, his lips gently massaging mine in slow fluid motions. I melted against him enjoying the feel of his plump lips pressed against mine, my head becoming foggy of anything else and my heart racing inside my chest while my heat was craving for more. I let a small moan slide from between my lips, my tongue gently sliding between his meeting with his, their connection making electricity float through my veins. He moaned quietly, his rough calloused hand running over the soft fabric of my green dress before landing on my hip. He gave it a tight squeeze pulling me as close to him as he possibly could, our tongues still twisting together sweetly while we lost ourselves and for the moment it was just us. Surrounded in our own little bubble. The sound of our heartbeats filling our ears while the snow fell around us outside in big thick white flakes. It was perfect and I didn't think that it could ever get more perfect than this.

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