Twenty Nine

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"Maddi, you're sure this is what you want?" Elena asked from her spot in the comfy plush white lounge that sat in the corner of my room, a coffee clutched tightly in her hand and her hangover hair pulled in an extremely messy bun on the top of her head.

"Elena, I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything" I said through a small laugh, my long hair still messily curled curtaining my face as I folded another shirt I really didn't even bother to look at before throwing it in my bag.

"I know you've always been impulsive but fuck Maddi, you just fucking met him" she laughed somewhat sarcastically, the tone of it making me roll my eyes and shake my head as I grabbed for my black scoop neck and began folding it.

"Well I guess I have you, Lana and Serenity to thank immensely for this bought of impulsive decision making. If I recall, it was you guys that pretty much forced me to go over there" I sighed, throwing the just folded black shirt into my bag with a little more force than necessary before turning around to look at her with my arms crossed tightly over my chest.

"Yeah but I mean look at you" she laughed, her hand held in front of her as she used it like a metal detector and moved it up and down in front of my body.

"You're still in your fucking dress from last night, your hair is all sexed up, your makeup is smudged, and if I'm not mistaken I would say that it looks as if you're still drunk" she said giving me a pleading look that matched the side to side motion of her head.

"I just want to be sure you're doing the right thing and that he isn't talking out his ass and giving false drunk promises to the girl he hooked up with last night" she said with a sigh. "He's sweet, charming and fucking sexy as hell...but I just don't want to see you played Madds" she said with an almost sadness to her voice making me sigh as I sank into the mattress of my King bed.

Of course I could see where she was coming up with all of this. The extent of her and the rest of the girls being involved with me and Austin stopped when they convinced me to go over to him, after that I didn't see them for the rest of the night until I left hand in hand with Austin several hours before the club closed. All they know is we went back to his penthouse suite at the Barclay and fucked each others brains out before he convinced me to pack up my life and move in with him. I mean that's what I would be thinking too if I were in Elena's spot, after all Austin was known to have quite the reputation with women.

But it was so much more than that. Sure we had sex...more than once but we also talked to each other and he was honestly the sweetest most sensitive guy that I have ever met. And for the first time in a long time being with someone made me feel something. Something more than just sex and lust, but a real connection and that was something that I didn't want to disappear from my life quicker than it came.

"Listen Elena" I said letting out a sigh, both of my hands reaching up to push hair behind my ears while my lips got a quick lick...definitely a nervous trait.

"I know that's what it seems like, but you guys weren't there" I said through a pleading smile. "Yeah we did what you all know we did, but it was so much more than that Lena. It was beautiful and sweet and gave me these feelings I never thought I'd feel again" I laughed.

"We have so much in common with each other and we understand each other so fucking much. I've told him things I never thought I'd be able to tell another soul and he told me things that not even his closest friends on the team knows. So I know it sounds crazy Lena I know that. But this is more than a hookup that leads to heartbreak. I know it is" I said looking at her with pleading eyes.

"For his sake, I hope you're right" she laughed through a sigh.

"Austin" I smiled, my voice already coming through strained in preparation for the tears I knew would be falling. His smile in return to hearing his name making my heart melt as I took in and let out a breath. I wasn't even sure why I was nervous, what I was about to tell him wasn't something that he hasn't heard before but for some reason telling him tonight felt different.

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