"Oh sue me for assuming you'd finally be settling down," Dominico said, laughing as he walked over to grab his coffee mug. "Oh and my apologies Mira—I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable with my assumption."

I don't think uncomfortable is the word.

"Oh it's not a big deal, I'm good," I said, giving him a brief smile.

However, I was slightly confused. I don't know I just assumed he'd be just as serious as Armani? I mean, he's definitely intimidating—probably not near what Armani is, but maybe that's due to the side of him I'm meeting. Maybe he's different when it comes down to business. Or maybe I'm stereotyping him and anyone else involved in the mafia.

Armani shook her head, putting her phone away. "I hate to sound rude... but why are you here Domi?"

While I was wondering the same thing, I also was admiring their relationship. Something I would never have with my own sister. It was clear that Dominico brought out a different side from Armani.

"It's the holiday's Ani—you know we all come in around this time," he said, pouring the rest of his coffee down the large sink.

Who is we? And how many of we is there?

I really am not trying to meet Armani's entire family, she was already intimidating enough by herself.

Armani crossed her arms over her chest. "I was expecting you to not be here at least until the twentieth."

Dominico smiled brightly, holding his arms up animatedly, "Well here I am."

"How will you keep up with your numerous Mayoral duties?" Armani asked.

I raised my brows. He's a mayor?

I eyed him, taking in his full look. Okay, he's definitely giving Mayor vibes now that I really picture it. And the Hollywood smile that he gives really makes sense now.

"You know we have some stuff to discuss Ani, besides, I'll have my assistant handle most of it," he said, opening the large shiny fridge. "I have my work laptop just in case anything goes wrong, and besides the office isn't far, downtown Chicago is maybe a thirty-minute drive."

Stuff to discuss? As in Mafia and Mayor stuff? So when Armani said that this was all linked internally to the city... she really meant it.

I'll give it to them, it's incredibly smart to run a mafia and have your sibling involved in politics. But again, the only thing that surprises me is how nice and outgoing he is. I know Mayors are usually charismatic, but normally it's for the public eye.

"And what about Emilia? Where is she?" Armani asked as Dominico grabbed a bottled water from the fridge.

"She's doing the whole 'meet Santa' thing for the fifth time this month Ani," he said. "The fifth time," he repeated, his tone almost complaining as his expression turned serious.

Armani laughed, displaying her beautifully accessorized teeth. My heart shot out of my chest, pounding rapidly against my ribcage. "That's so fucking funny—wow it's only December fifth," she said, laughing more to herself.

I somehow found myself smiling, admiring how funny she found the whole ordeal.

Dominico looked over at me, tilting his head as if he noticed my admiration for his sister. I felt my cheeks grow warm at the idea of him catching me looking at Armani in such a way, and now I was scolding myself for being so obvious. Armani was already observant by herself, why did I expect any less from her older brother?

Apparently, he didn't pick up on my painfully obvious actions, given that next, he said, "I'm curious, what exactly do you do here?"

It didn't sound rude or disrespectful—he sounded genuinely curious, like he wanted more details on me.

Before I could say anything, Armani said, "She's our interior designer for the upcoming event," taking a step back to stand beside me. "Oh, and she's also decorating the estate."

Dominico laughed. "Let her answer for herself Ani."

Armani looked over at me, and I felt my face grow warm. It was the first time she'd really looked at me all morning—and it wasn't helping that her hands were wrapped gently around my throat just last night. Oh, how badly I wanted her to do it again.

No. No, I don't want that. I can't want that.

"I haven't seen you in pink before," Armani said, her eyes trailing my appearance. I tilted my head, confused at her statement, but I also felt myself growing flustered at the fact that her attention was fully caught by me, which didn't happen too often.

I noticed Dominico looking between Armani and me, a questionable look developing on his face.

I felt questionable too. She'd never really pointed out my outfits before so the statement itself surprised me. Clearly, it surprised Armani too, given how her brows furrowed slightly at her own acknowledgment.

Armani cleared her throat, shaking her head as she turned back to Dominico, "But yeah, she'll be here until Christmas Eve."

"That's cool, I can't wait to see what you do with the place," Dominico said, his tone light and joking.

"Thanks," I said, smiling politely at him.

Armani nodded looking back to Dominico, "Well, we have a walk-through to do, so we can finish up some details," she said. "Are we good here?"

Dominico pursed his lips before later nodding. "Yeah... I need to talk to you later though."

"Very well," Armani said, looking at me as she pressed her hand to my upper back. "Ready?"

I nodded, my words suddenly lost now that she was physically touching me. Clearly, my speechlessness amused Armani, considering a faint smirk coated her lips. 

"Perfect, we'll grab breakfast, and begin the walkthrough," she said, giving Dominico a faint nod and guiding us down the hall to the elevator.

"It was nice meeting you Mira!" Dominico's deep voice called out.

A MERRY MAFIA CHRISTMAS (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now